Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Consider older Seiyunchin

A book written by Steve Wilson a well know Goju-ryu practitioner , who was For a long time a student of Morio Higaonna Sensei. The book is titled “Budo A lifelong Journey” and is available through Lulu .

From a section of the book with this preface Pg 135 :

“Discussion with Miyagi Chojun sensei. Conducted at Matsumura family home in Shuri, Okinawa, January 1933, by Matsumura Jin’an sensei. Interview is based on Matsumura Sensei’s notes and recollection. I chose To format it as an interview.”

Skipping to pg 139 of the same section: “Take Seiyunchin for example. Initially, when one executed the Gedan barai in the straddle stance, they followed it with a palm heel strike across the body, which was aimed at the sternum.

Sensei felt this was too dangerous for the general public, especially school children . So the move used to be executed this way; step inside the opponent and his attack by blocking gedan barai, then pressing forward and downward to trap the attacking arm, then while still inside strike with a powerful shotei to the sternum.

As you can see this is too dangerous to teach to just anyone.

A book written by Steve Wilson.

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