Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Everything old come around again - KUNG FU the series

Searching around on my TV I just discovered it contains a channel I had never seen before. The OUTLAW channel.  Reruns of old Western TV shows and movies. 


 One of those series really caught my eye, it was the old show Kung Fu. I have not watched those shows for decades. Now, viewing them again I can see how in my pre-karate days the series caught my interest.


 It was the travels around America of Kwai Chang Cane. He was a Shaolin Priest, hunted by the Chinese government for killing a cousin of the Chinese Emperor, while searching for any remaining family in America.

There were many stories there. Some in China, some in America. Assassins from around the world were hunting him, at the same time many of the stories connected individuals he met on his travels to his youth training in the Shaolin Temple.

Much of the fighting, in many arts from around the world, was done in slow motion. However they attempted to show the potential of those arts at the same time.

It is fun to look at the past in any case.

I suggest you join in the fun.
















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