Monday, April 1, 2024

I share some thoughts on Sanchin application potential?" Part 5


Sanchin the Bunkai - 6th Movement

After completing the double descending parry/blocks of Section 5, you pull your elbows back, close your fists and rotate them palm up until they finish resting against both hips.

Next you open the hands and thrust two spear hand (palm up) forwards slowly. 

On completion of the nukite strikes, with slow flowing movement, the hands are turned over palm down.

[There is an alternative here, where after the nukite thrusts, the hands grab and close and turn over (pulling over).]

<At this point the section repeats 3 more times.>

While this may not appear the most interesting section of the kata, there are some important tools to develop here, too.

1st Potential (interior defense/attack). Attacker is stepping in with a right hook punch to your head and their left hand ready to loosen a 2nd head punch with the right.

a. Right foot slides forward and strike into the armpits with both 

spear hands (a double Heart 1 strike?). After the strike use version two and grab the chest area from behind the arm pit with both hands, dig them into the muscle and pull over and down.

It seems to me this is quite painful. Off hand I'm not sure how immobilizing it can be.

2nd Potential (interior line of defense) Attacker steps in with their left foot and grabs your left wrist with their left hand.

a. Turn your right foot to the left, slide your left foot over to re-orient your center line to cross the center line of the attacker's arm.

b. You pull your two hands back into chamber. This pulls the attacker forward and overextends their arm.

c. You thrust your two hands out. Your right spears over their left arm, bending their grabbing wrist and weakening their grab. 

d. Your left haito strikes across their lower rib cage, the upraised thumb knuckle the striking area.

e. When you turn both hands over, your right hand becomes a palm strike to complete freeing your arm. Alternatively, you might grab their wrist as a result of your actions.

f. Your left overturning palm becomes the 2nd of a multiple striking sequence, delivering a 2nd strike into the opponents ribs.

This Haito (Ridge Hand) to Shuto strike is consistent with a Shotokan stylist I know whose system replaces their outer knife hand blocks with ridge hand then knife hand multiple strikes. On the other hand, there's nothing to stop you from using the left ridge hand strike into the opponent's neck either.

Of the two strikes, the neck would obviously get a greater response, on the other hand the use of the multiple strike across the lower ribs (or the solar plexus) gets a response creating an opening for further exploitation.

3rd Potential (exterior line of defense) Attacker grabs both hands

a. Right foot Circles forward, you left foot swings out as you change your center line to the right. Your right open hand comes up underneath your left grabbed arm. As you turn it turns over (of course both hands are doing that) and effects a wrist grab release.

4th Potential - Offensive application for the overturning hands.

a. You execute this as the multiple strike (ridge hand turning over to shuto strike) with both hands for increased power although only one hand is used.

5th Potential - Defensive or Offensive

a. You strike upwards with both spear hands, into the opponent's neck area,

b. Then you grab their head and pull it down.

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