Friday, April 19, 2024

Shhh this is a secret!!!!

 Tjimande form - Matjan (Matzan) Tildur

Back about 1981 after I had been regularily visiting the dojo of Tristan Sutrisno to share in training with his students, one night I learned a Tjimande form, the first form of his families system called Matzan Tildur. He was teaching it to his senior students who were brown belts and he invited me to join on if. He covered the form and the next night I visited he went into the explaination how the forms movements would be utillized.

The Tjimande he has studied was a private family system that was run by his uncle. This was in addition to his other Shotokan karate, Aikido, and Kobudo studies. But his father had privately begun his own training in Tjimande basics when he was 4 years of age.

I found the form was very interesting and unlike anything I had seen elsewhere. I learned it, then practiced it from that point of time onward. As in many of my studies with Tristan, I never filmed it nor did i teach it to anyone, ever.

And as with much I was shown by Tristan, it was just shown to me one time, never to be repeated.  But I did keep notes, useful to me as time passed. And they have always proven to be accurate notes.

I an sharing this because I want to remember that once upon a time.

Also I realize no sane person will attempt to learn this form from my notes. There are many small details that require being pressed into one's flesh. Those are not in my notes, instead they were impressed into me.


 Note: I only have this saved via screen prints as seen below.

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