Thursday, April 18, 2024

Tuite Variations

 from : Tuite Jutsu (Personal training/teaching methodologies in Te)

During the typical practice of Tuite, students will be inclined to go through the most basic manner of performing those motions. The way that the technique is initially shown is intended to allow the student to review the those manners of performing the applications. The most commonly critiqued of those motions (techniques) are the direct wrist grabs.

These are commonly practiced with the two student's standing "face to face" with one of the student's grabbing the other's wrist (in one of several manners). These techniques are commonly referred to as "stupid people" techniques (for numerous obvious reason's). They should be viewed as being "learning" if not training motions (just as standing in a "horse" stance and performing middle punches is, basically pointless other than allowing the individual to focus on the performed motion).

The motion would rarely (if ever) be utilized or even occur in this manner, but is done for "learning/training" purposes. During a confrontation, It is more common for students to ignore an opponent "grabbing" their wrist (at least until/unless it interferes with their ability to strike).

This occurs because the student is (either) reaching for, or (additionally) attempting to strike the uke (when the "grab" is made).

In these situations, the Uke is (more likely) grabbing the student's hand/arm to prevent that student's ability to strike or grab with it or in order to create the opening to strike the Tori.

It can also occur when the Uke is going to strike the Tori (with their "free" hand) and want to control the Tori's arm (to prevent its use in "blocking/parrying" the Uke's striking hand). 

The student must learn to recognize and utilize those opportunities if/when they occur. The "basic" motion (commonly being practiced) is for the student to understand the basic "mechanic's" of the performed action.

There are basically 4 manner's that a wrist can be "grabbed" (by the Uke's Right or Left hand, and either "high" or "Low", "Top" or Bottom").

That (grabbed) arm may be motioned to another position, but the student's ability to respond to it (apply a countering motion) should be easily achieved (obviously, through the student's practice of having done so).

Also (often) being ignored, is the student's ability to determine (if not direct) how the Uke will attempt their response (to the Tori's arm motioning towards them). When that motion is performed as a strike, the Uke will most commonly attempt to "Block/Parry" that motion. If the student reaches towards the Uke (with an open hand, as if attempting to grab them), they will most often grab that hand/arm ("monkey see, monkey do").

This premise goes back to one's ability to "guide/direct" the confrontation.

For those student's who don't possess great amounts of (physical) strength, trading strikes back and forth is a losing tactic. Guiding a striking aggressor into grabbing the student is typically achieved by providing the opportunity for that aggressor to grab the student. This can (often) be achieved by the aforementioned manner of reaching (with an open-hand) towards the aggressor.

If/when the aggressor does grab that hand/arm, those (previously considered "stupid people") techniques, then become practical applications to utilize in one's defensive strategy. I typically attempt to guide the majority of confrontations into a situation where I can (effectively) utilize Tuite (types of) manipulations.

My own reasoning (for doing so), is typical because I am not physically strong enough to force the majority of individual's into the positions that I know will be most beneficial to myself (and will additionally allow me to position them into a position of submission). Once that positioning is achieved, if that aggressor refuses to cease their aggressive attempts, I can additionally escalate (typically by a simple joint dislocation). It is very common for individuals to claim that the use of joint manipulations (I.E. Tuite) is impractical for use during a (typical) physical confrontation.

That belief is (only) based upon that person's experience/knowledge (or awareness) of/for the utilization of those (types of) techniques. They are under the belief that grabs don't occur during a striking assault. That is only accurate if/when the defender doesn't implement them (and/or cause their occurrence).

One need only watch the numerous video examples of "fights" on the Internet, and one will see how often those individual's (that are punching each other) additionally grab their opponent.

Although they will typically "let go" (of their opponent), rarely do they ever utilize those grabs against their opponent. This is more the result of training than of practicality. They are more obsessed with delivering a strike, than with (actually) ending the confrontation. People will "Do" as they have

Trained. If one doesn't train to utilize those motions, they won't use them (and myopically believe that the way they are doing things, is the only way to do them).

This is typical of the "aggressor" mindset. Unlike the manner that many defensive methodologies are taught, ours (initially) focuses on defensive actions being one's primary objective (rather than how one can inflict injury upon an aggressor).

The purpose of training is improving one's understanding of what is being practiced. Rather than only achieving the desired response, the objective is to understand what motions, actions/reactions can make achieving the desired response not occur. And once those actions are recognized, how can they be avoided or negated.

Too much focus is (only) being made upon the intended response (rather than those that can additionally occur).

Only focusing on inflicting damage, is a questionable objective as well, and will result in varying degrees of effectiveness (or even in one's ability to do so).

It is more productive to focus on achieving responses that are more likely to occur (by anyone). Although individual reactions will vary, there are reactions that are common among (nearly) all individual's regardless of size, strength or flexibility.

If one only focuses on performing an action (and how that action is done), they are only practicing 1/2 of the particular motion/action. This is equivalent to only punching a bag (or a makiwara), you'll get very good at doing so, but this is not the same as punching a person.

That (type of) strike will achieve varying results dependent upon how and where you utilize it on an opponent (as well as "if" you are able to do so).

It is more important to understand the reactions achieved by striking those vulnerable locations than it is to focus one's ability to deliver a more forceful impact.

The development of that increased level of force can/will come with time, but (from a defensive perspective) it is more important to identify those locations that are vulnerable and that don't depend on one's ability to deliver excessive amounts of force in achieving that objective.

This is what's necessary to develop a "lifetime" defensive art (rather than one that is only practical or applicable, if/when one is young, strong and healthy). The manner that a student will utilize the instructed motions will be dependent upon that individual's physical abilities and limitations.

If a student is expected to perform a demonstrated motion in (only) a certain way, it will likely never be utilized by that student.

Although motions are initially shown to be performed in a particular manner, there must be an allowance for individual variation.

If that variation includes negative aspects, those aspects should be eliminated (thus, the purpose of practice).

The objective of practicing a defensive art is achieving the ability to prevent receiving injury. An ability to deliver injury is secondary (at best).

One's goal is to not become injured when having to defend one's self. Whether an aggressor is injured (while protecting one's self) should not be (or become) one's main objective from training. Once you are able to prevent (your own) injury, the ability to inflict injury (serious or not) is a more easily achieved goal.

When defending oneself, the ability to flow from one defensive action to another is imperative to that ability. Every defensive action/motion should be practiced with that motion failing (at different stages of its enactment).

 Every stage (of a techniques enactment) should be practiced with that motion's failure (whether by the tori or by a "countering" action being used by the uke).

Doing so will force the student to formulate a manner to correct the situation. Although corrections (some times) are able to correct those situations, one should be able to abandon a particular technique (allowing them to transition to another application).

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