Saturday, May 25, 2024

Matsumura No Hakutsuru

This form was shared with me in1994 by one of the attendees of the clinic. At that time there was much mystery about Hakutsuru forms. I shared this video with friends around the world. From Japan, Australia, Portland, etc.. Finally I received a response from Fernando in Brasil. These are among those responses.

Taught by Sali Azem at Richard Bernard’s House of Samuary in Londonderry, NH when they converted to his program back in the early 1990’s.

The kata was performed by Martin Priolo.

The handout was that this was Matsumura No Hakutsuru studied by Azem from Hohen Soken on Okinawa while he was in the USAF /

Today, 11/25/2007 it is listed on his website as Hakutsuru No Kata.

Hi Victor

Yes, miracles happen, but this world is crowded with false prophets.

That hakutsuru kata is a creative experiment by a guy from Goju/Shobukan from New York city. It is not a kata, that is, it has not functional structure, just a mambo jambo.

So, it is not from Hohan Soken, as also it is not the spurious versions disseminated by Sandoval, Yabiku, Lindsey, Chandler et caterva, there in US.

The original Hohan's hakutsru is rarely seen today, as his Sanchin, and I think that his student, Nishime, still teaches the original form. Be well,




I've seen a ton of "Hakutsuru" katas, but that one is unique among them. Very long; it has a great variety of technique.

Best Regards,  Russ

Hi Victor,

I agree with Romney, it looks like 2 kata stuck together. The first part reminds me of some footage in a documentary called "Budo" wherein someone does "white crane kata" with pieces of the form interspersed with footage of a real crane doing various wing motions, etc. I'm not sure what to think of the second half - bits and pieces of various other kata strung together maybe.

I too have not spent much time on hakutsuru kata info.



Hi Jim,

that film clip you mentioned is Hayashi Teruo, of Shito Ryu, doing Paiho, I believe, from Ryuei Ryu. Its an interesting film.

cheers,  Fred


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