Sunday, May 5, 2024

More on Multiple Striking/Meotode

The recent video I shared of Meotode brought the many methods of multiple punching/striking to mind.  But one technique sequence shared by Sherman Harrill sticks in my mind.


I am going from memory here. I will do my best to describe it as follows.

The attacker begins with a right strike to your face while stepping forward with their right foot, then follows with a left strike to your body.

Alternatively the attacker steps forward with their right foot as the grab towards your left shoulder,then immediately follows with a left strike to your solar plexus.

Each are realistically just a training tool. Remember reality could be very different and would require you to adjust accordingly. However both are ways to discuss the same attack sequence, just that they begin with different speeds for the initial attack.

The sequence:

A. The attacker steps forward with their right foot as the grab towards your left shoulder

    1. Use the crossing of your hands to allow your right open hand to cross your body and parry their grabbing hand away from you.
    2. Immediately after that hand parries the grab your left closed fist strikes that arm with a side block/strike, at the same time your right foot steps forward.
    3. Then as your step finishes. with the ridge of your close fist strike, rapidly strike into their lower right side abdomen.

Immediately following that strike it glances off to strike again to the upper abdomen immediately below their right nipple. 

That strike continues off the struck area and the thumb of your vertical right fist strikes as it glances off their arms lower  triceps to end up past their leading right arm.  

    These strikes are a continuous strike in 1-2-3 sequence. Two ridge of knuckles strikes and a thumb strike.

B. the attacker immediately follows with a left strike to your solar plexus.

     4.  As they begin their left punch, your right hand chambers and as it begins to do so, your right thumb strikes again into their triceps under their arm.
    5. Next the chambering motion of the right hand strikes into the right side of their face.
    6. Immediately the right hand continues the chambering motion to your hip. Doing so it strikes with your right fist ridge of knuckles into thier forward punching arm. Then the chambering motion become complete as the right hand returns to the chambering position.


    Again these strikes are a continuous strike in 1-2-3 sequence.   They are a thumb strike, returning backfist strike then a chambering strike.

These strikes form a destabilizing motion of pain into the attacker. Drawing their focus of their mind forward with each strike. Leaving them open for whatever response you deem appropriate.


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