Friday, May 3, 2024

UCHINADI - The Original Karate of Okinawa by Toshihiro Oshiro

 I always found this a superior video series.

UCHINADI - The Original Okinawan Karate by Toshihiro Oshiro (volume 1 - VHS 1996) - full movie on. The author explains and demonstrates how to knock down an opponent simply by touching their body, using the power of "atifa". This program includes demonstrations of the original karate techniques, Pinan 1-5 and Naihanchi katas, and of course, those amazing punching and blocking techniques. Toshihiro Oshiro is a protégé of the Shoshin Nagamine, the founder of the Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu. He is best known in the West for his mastery of kobudo weapons, notably Yamanni Ryu's Bo, which eclipsed to some extent his truly splendid karate skills.

UCHINADI - The Original Karate of Okinawa by Toshihiro Oshiro (volume 1 - VHS 1996

Volume 2

This video contains a comprehensive historical section as well as demonstrations for the Wankan, Wanshu, Rohai, and Passai kata. In addition to a complete course of training and instruction in makiwara and the kata Sai, Kyan no Sai and Kishaba no Sai. Toshihiro Oshiro is a protégé of the Shoshin Nagamine, the founder of the Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu. He is best known in the West for his mastery of kobudo weapons, notably the bo of Yamanni Ryu, which eclipsed to some extent his truly splendid skills in karate.

UCHINADI - The Original Karate of Okinawa by Toshihiro Oshiro (volume 2 - VHS 1996

Sensei: Masters of Okinawan Karate #11 Toshihiro Oshiro 大城利弘先生



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