Friday, June 21, 2024


In 1947 Higa Yuchoku inaugurated the Kyudokan Karate dojo and applied himself to perfecting and developing everything that he had learned from his masters, and especially from Chōshin Chibana, with whom he continued to practice.

In 1961 the first Shorinryu Karate-do Association of Okinawa was formed. It was presided over by Chibana and Higa Yuchoku was assigned the role of vice-president.

By 2015, the Kyudokan School had branches in 29 countries and had more than 10,000 students around the world. Branches of the school were established in South America by Benito Higa and in the world by Oscar Higa. Now Hanshi 10th Dan Oscar Masato Higa heads the World Shorin Ryu KYUDOKAN HIGA-TE Karate-Do Federation and Representative for the world.

Minoru Higa (10th Dan) is the current President (Kaichou) and Soke of Okinawa Shorin Ryu Kyudokan Karate-Do Association principally based in Okinawa. 

At the time I put this together I listed these techniques as I found them useful.

Against a right punch
⦁    Right cross hand open hand parry as the hip rolls back
⦁    Then as the hips roll forward left punch to the solar plexus

 Against a right punch
⦁    Right foot hi block  then left punch to solar plexus (interior line of defense)

Against a right punch
⦁    Left foot forward right hi block, then left punch to ribs (exterior line of defense)
Against a right punch
⦁    Left foot forward right hi block, shuffle in with right descending elbow (exterior line of defense)

Against a right punch
⦁    Left foot forward right hi block, right hand grabs their fist, rotate your hand clockwise and down  while your left hand  presses their inside elbow down an the same time (exterior line of defense)

Against right punch
⦁     Left foot forward and simultaneous Left Low block and right backfist strike to the head. (interior line of defense)

Against right punch
⦁    Left foot forward, right cross body elbow strike into their arm (interior line of defense)

Against right punch
⦁    Left foot forward, right cross body elbow strike into their arm then right elbow (backward strike) into their body  or forward right elbow strike (interior line of defense)
Against right punch
⦁    Left foot forward, left inward cross body parry/strike (exterior line of defense)

Against right punch
⦁    Left foot forward, left punch to their lower abdomen (interior line of defense)
⦁    Or  Left foot forward, left punch to their lower abdomen then right punch to their solar plexus (interior line of defense)

Right foot forward right punch
⦁    Left foot forward, left low block to their punch,  Then right palm heel strike to their jaw (interior line of defense)

Right foot forward right punch
⦁    Left foot forward, left low block to their punch,  Then right vertical punch to their throat (interior line of defense)

Right foot forward
⦁    Left foot forward, left low block to their punch moving their arm to the outside, follow with a right low forearm strike to the neck behind their head. (interior line of defense)

Right foot forward
⦁    Right foot forward with right outside block, then rotate the right fist open and grab their arm and pull (exterior line of defense ) this is a variation of the sutrisno open hand block rotate hand and grab and pull)

Right foot forward Right punch
⦁    Right foot forward with right outside block, then rotate the right fist open and grab their arm and pull , when attacker pulled forward the left flat hand strikes the are and the right spear hand opens and strikes to the face, eyes or throat (exterior line of defense )



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