Tuesday, July 30, 2024

After exp;eriencing far too many karate arguments on the internet I made my opinion known



The problems experiences on this list aren't the fault of one person, regardless of how extreme an example it may manifest.

There are and have been many parties all vying for bottom dog, and succeeding magnificently.

The larger problem in Isshinryu in general is far too many people choose to remain lurking and express only the Jerry Springer audience mentality, let the show roll on and the blood flow.

But extreme examples might make the point. Consider the many difficulties within the Catholic Church at this moment (I'm not opening a religious discussion, just making an analogy). The individual wrong doers and those in charge are being called out, as well they should be. But, there are also many others who looked the other way and knew things were happening and by omission allowed much wrong to continue.

There isn't any one person which can make a list succeed. Nor can any one spokes group make Isshinryu a success either.

There is absolutely nothing we experience that isn't a repeat of past performance from Okinawa and Japan. But the real issue isn't that there are those who dislike each other. The real issue is it doesn't make any difference in the long run.

Funakoshi's camp detested Motobu, and the reverse was true too. Outside of their wasting their time and effort on a feud, it made no difference in the long run. All they did was waste there energy on NOTHING. https://isshin-concentration.blogspot.com/search?q=Mabuni+bunkai+question

Discussing who's toughest, bravest, or has the better credentials, is worth diddly. It's as little consequence as what training methods you choose. There is and will be diversity and none can stop that nor are any of us good enough to prove otherwise.

But you know not saying anything is saying something, saying that YOU don't really care what Isshinryu represents itself as.

I don't see any victory here, I still see a contest of wills and too many simply taking notes.

And you know what the saddest thing is, what a waste. We all have different experiences. I'm not a friend or confident of Rich, but I have put time on the floor with him. Personally he's a nice guy and trains like hell. I'd like to imagine if I had the chance to meet most of you I'd have the same impression.

And nothing bantered in this vast space of a list changes that fact either.

You know most of us went through a lot of hard sweat to obtain the small amount of success we've enjoyed. Its a shame we as a group aren't willing to continue to sweat and make something work.

But as I stated, as I was trained and as I train others, I care about everyone.  I'm simply sorry not enough of you seem to have had the great experiences I've shared.

Victor Smith
Bushi No Te Isshinryu

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