Thursday, July 25, 2024

BNT Isshinryu Kata possibilities for the 3rd Dan

In my school I only had 3 degrees for black belts. What follows in a simplified description of what those Dan ranks mean.

Shodan for the first 2 years training as a black belt.

Nidan life time training focusing of what the individual felt most important for themselves.

Sandan life time training for those nidans who chose what was more important for themselves and also choose to study the entire nidan curricula. At which point additional challenges were available  to keep them pushing themselves for life.

Instructor was not a Dan certification. It was a separate training program, minimum qualifications were being a Sandan, having at least 15 continuous years training with me, and undergoing a additional training program at least 5 years long, among which they have developed a student from White belt to Shodan. Only then would they be authorized to develop their own program.

The role of an additional kata study is not because they need more kata, rather the role of the kata is to continually push themselves keeping their mind fresh and growing.

NO Tomari No Rohai


A partial version of the Tomari No Rohai


Gohakukai Tomari Rohai


Aragaki Sochin


Okinawa karate Kyudokan Sochin YouTube



Mabuni Menwa Seipai book

Kei Miyagi Hanshi - Seipai kata

Hiagonna Seipai


Masters - Matsumura Orthdox Gojushiho, Goju Seipai 1:29 - 2:30, Isshinryu Black Belt Kobudo Tokomeeni No Kon

For the  3rd Dan, these kata studies are not meant for self defense as  much as to keep pushing oneself.

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