Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I suppose pride is the right term

 I just received a call from Charles Murray.


He told me last weekend at the Isshinryu tournament in Tennessee, John Ingram took him aside after the opening banquet and informed him that he has been promoted to Nana (9th) Dan in Isshinryu Karate.

Here is a photo of the promotion.


With him are Wayne Ellis, John Ingram, Judy and Reese Rigby and Al Bailey


I began my Isshinryu studies with Tom Lewis (and always will be my sensei. But when I moved to Scranton eventually I was joined there by Charles Murray and he continued my Isshinryu studies training me until I became an IKC black belt.


While in Salisbury, Md, one of my seniors was Al Bailey. I trained at the IKC Princess Ann, Md dojo of Wayne Ellis. I also traveled many times to train at the IKC Dover, Del dojo of Reese and Judy Rigby. My IKC seniors always were the best.

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