Saturday, July 20, 2024

On the Higaonna sensei kicking technique

Back in the mid 1980's after training with many different styles I began to realize there was more to be done with kicking. This was well before Youtube, VHS  tapes were beginning to be sold on various martial arts. I worked to develop various dan training kicking exercises to address this. I did not believe they were appropriate for Youth or Kyu students, all of who had more important studies.

Basically I felt enough was not being shown how kicking  could destroy an attacker's lower body. The kicking techniques shown below are demonstrating that destruction. I should add in practice, take great care when working with a partner.


Higaonna sensei various kicking techniques


Romney Taylor
Victor-san most of these techniques are Interwoven into the curriculum I learned.

Of course the basic kicks are in the chart exercises Which are taught first, then as simple self defense  we teach, how to use these kick for distraction if  grabbed in a bear hug from front or back.

The kicks are used to distract the opponents mind  (with pain) from their grip (hands) , and then various  Escapes are taught depending on if the bearhug Is from the front , back , over the arms or under the arms.

The distraction methods using kicks are:

Stomp on the long bone of the foot:

Kick the shin
Back the shin
Push against the knee
Kick to groin , Knee or kick to groin from front.
Hands to groin (Haito , shuto, grab).

If anyone cares to discuss them I can complete the lists of techniques taught and what they represent (why these Particular methods are taught).

Okinawan Karate kata feature mostly low level kicks, in addition to implied kicks with stepping. The kicks work in conjunction with the hand movements to form the 'technique.' Kicks may be delivered before the hands or after the hands, either way they are complicit in bringing the opponent into the strike, lock, or throw through 'kuzushi' (unbalancing/destabilizing). These are dangerous techniques to practice with a partner and should only be attempted under the supervision of a knowledgeable instructor.


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