Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Mind Puzzle for you - Another chance to make you think

One of the more obscure arts I have found in
Shaolin Wu Xing Quan (Five Animals Boxing)

It turns out there is a lot of good video on this obscure art.
It seems to consist of this one form, but there are also applications for the movements shown.

 The range of its movements are within the range of karate, of course quite different.

I thought it might make an interesting challenge to see how you might apply one sequence from the form, one I find personally interesting.

There are interesting things you can discover.

It is useful to look at things you don’t study to understand their application potential, and then use that understanding to work out how to defeat those movements.



Alberto Cruz Bueno, el nombre de esta forma es 'Wu Xing Ba Fa Quan' (5 Animales 8 Métodos de Boxeo)
Well, the name of this shape is 'Wu Xing Ba Fa Quan' (5 ANIMALS 8 Methods of boxing)
Alberto Cruz En un foro de Kungu-fu mencionan:

"Esta es una forma típicamente Norteña, que no tiene que ver con su contraparte Sureña. Pertenece la sección un poco más extensa de Shaolín Ta Ching Gang (Da Jingang Quan), que es algo asi como Puño del Gran Guerrero...See More 

In a forum of kungu fu mentioned:
" this is a typical Northerner, that has nothing to do with its southern counterpart. Belongs section a little more extensive shaolin ta ching gang (da jingang quan), which is kind of like fist of the great golden warrior, being the "Gold" an allusion to the component hard of gold.

His full name is shaolin wu hsing pa fa Quan (Wuxingbafaquan).
I had the chance to meet her several years ago in China, in Beijing. It's a pretty long way, although we would say that of an intermediate level of boxing shaolin.

Uses the representation of 5 Animals (Tiger, Dragon, snake, leopard and crane). The 8 Methods of harmony and link (internal, external, hands, legs, thought (intention), body structure (combined), sounds and method of tearing-chin na-). Qi Gong employee power swift actions and attitude ."

Alberto Cruz
Translated from Spanish
" the eight methods in the liuhe bafa (a system that has only one way: fist of the six harmonies and eight methods, divided into several sections, and has about 300 moves. Inside it there are 6 types of forms of fist, the twelve animals, eight methods, etc. ) are the following:
- Qi, concentrated the spirit.
- Bone, this refers to the connection of the joints. Hard outside soft inside.
- image, the idea is to be able to change the pace, copy.
- follow, this is a very broad concept, but it points to get to know yourself and your opponent. Used the concepts of yin and yang.
- raise, be awake, alert.
- return, practice the yin / Yang, interior and exterior.
- check, emptying the mind.
- hide. Don't let to know your intentions.

This is a very small explanation of the eight methods, this is much more extensive already these eight methods contain within ideas and concepts very broad and applicable to more than a system. "

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