Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Bushi No Te Subsidary Drills

Many of these drills were never filmed, but they formed a regular part of the dan training. Those that were filmed are just a demo pace. The idea behind multiple striking is that each strike can be followed by another practiced strike

Multiple striking

Right Punch
Right Backfist
Right Descending Palm Strike
Right Rising Forearm Strike
Right Finger Tip Strike

Multiple striking demo with variations

Eagle Claw Drill

Hanging Claw
Circle Claw
Pulling Claw
Side Claw

Tiger – Crane Drill

Attacker Right Punch

Right hand open inside parry / left open palm rising forearm block left hand turns over and pulls in
As the left hand presses the back of the opponents hand (outward) the right open palm rising block is done on the outside of the arm right hand turns over and pulls in
As the left hand slides off and circles clock-wise into an open hand forearm strike of their elbow region.
the left hand then small circles downward clockwise to roll their arm down and off, and then the left hand circles inward (jing do)
Left hand open inside parry / right open palm rising forearm block right hand turns over and pulls in
As the right hand presses the back of the opponents hand (outward)  the left open palm rising block is done on the outside of the arm left hand turns over and pulls in
As the right hand slides off an circles counter-clock-wise into  an open hand forearm strike of their elbow region the right hand then small circles downward counter-clockwise to roll their arm down and off, and then the right hand circles inward (jing do)


Masters Level Heian ShoDan (Sutrisno)

Facing 12 o’clock

Rei facing 12 o’clock
Turn to 9 o’clock , stepping LFF into Left Front Stance with a left low block followed by a right low block.
Step RFF into Right Front Stance with a right low block followed by a left low block.
Turn 180 clockwise to 3 o’clock, pivoting on the left foot, into Right Front Stance with a Right low block
Pull the right foot back alongside the left, turn 90 counter-clockwise to 12 o’clock and deliver a right side descending hammer fist strike towards 3 o’clock.
Pivoting 90 degrees clockwise to 3 o’clock on the right foot, LFF into Left Front Stance with a left low block followed by a right low block.
Turn 90 degrees counter-clockwise to 12 o’clock, pivoting on the right foot, stepping forward with the left foot then a left low block turning into left high block, turning into a left high knife hand block.
RFF into Right Front Stance with a right high block, then right middle inside block, then a right low block, then a left high punch, then a right middle punch finishing with a left low punch.
LFF into Left Front Stance with a left high block, then left middle inside block, then a left low block, then a right high punch, then a left middle punch finishing with a right low punch.
RFF into Right Front Stance with a right high block, then right middle inside block, then a right low block, then a left high punch, then a right middle punch finishing with a left low punch.
Turn 270 counter-clockwise, pivoting on the right foot, stepping into Left front stance to 3 o’clock with a left low block followed by a right low block..
RFF into Right Front Stance with a right high punch then a left middle punch.
Turn 180 clockwise to 9 o’clock, pivoting on the left foot, into Right Front Stance with a right low block followed by a left low block.
LFF into Left Front Stance with a left high block then a right middle punch.
Turn to 6 o’clock , stepping LFF into Left Front Stance with a left low block
Step RFF into Right back stance with a right inside middle strike then a right outside middle hammerfist strike..
Step LFF into Left back stance with a left inside middle strike then a left outside middle hammerfist strike.
Step RFF into Right back stance with a right inside middle strike then a right outside middle hammerfist strike..
Turn 270 counter-clockwise to 9 o’clock, pivoting on the right foot, stepping into Left back stance with a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover, then a right open middle hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover.
Pivoting on the left foot, RFF to 10:30, stepping into Right back stance, with a right open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover, then a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover..
Pivot on the left foot, and turn to 3 o’clock, stepping into a Right back stance, with a right open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover, then a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover..
 Pivoting on the right foot, LFF to 1:30, stepping into Left back stance with a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover.then a right open middle hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover.
Step back into a closing Rei.


Kihon Sho Dan.

Ready Stance
Left Foot Forward, Left Low Block
Right Reverse Punch
Right Front Kick (placing the foot down into right front stance)
Left then Right Punch
Left High Block
Right Rising Elbow Strike
Rotate your torso (so it faces 3 o’clock) clockwise 90 degrees and reach out with the left hand to 12 o’clock (as to grab an opponents arm), and then throw a left front kick to the front (again 12 o’clock).
Land in a side (3 o’clock) facing horse stance (left foot forward) and throw a left cross body hook punch.  [note, this is what the Shotokan and Shorin stylists throw in their Nihanchi (Tekki) Sho Dan Kata, where we throw the palm up spear hand.]
Your right foot kicks up to the inside of the left leg (as in the opening of Chinto Kata), then place the right foot down in a left front cat stance (facing 12 o’clock). This concludes with a left hand open knife hand block (similar to Kusnaku’s opening 3 techniques).
Your left foot steps forward into a deeper front stance (Shotokan’s zenkatsu-dachi) as your left palm presses down and you drive a right spear hand forward (across the back of the left hand).
[Now assume somebody grabbed your right arm.] You press your right spear hand down about 6”, somewhat resembling a downward palm press.
Pivoting on your left foot, you spin 360 clockwise to end up in a right cat stance, as both your elbows descend in a double knife hand block (the reverse of no. 10).
You jump up with a double front kick (left then right)
Landing in right Zenkatsu Dachi, (lunging forward) with a double outward knife hand strike.

Victor Michael and Marc  performing Kihon Sho Dan

Kihon Ni-Dan

Beginning LFF Left Front stance and a Left middle double guard
Left middle roundhouse kick
Left high round house kick
Right reverse punch
Right front kick (place foot down in front)
Spin 180 to the left in horse stance and deliver a left neck high spinning shuto to the front.
Pivot into kusanku block and strike
Right roundhouse kick (place foot down in front)
Spin 180 to the left on the right foot and deliver a right low open hand parry
Right low side kick, end in horse stance
Right open side parry from horse stance, step in with the left and right side kick followed by left hook punch
Turn left and left open side parry from horse stance, step in with the right foot and left side kick followed by a right hook punch
Step in with the left foot (alongside the right)
Pivot to the right on the left foot and right outside crescent kick
Jump double front kick (left then right)
Jump off the right foot, spinning 360 to the left with a left  outside then right inside crescent kick
Land in horse stance
Jump up jumping right front kick
Drop to the floor (a collapse) with a right front kick
On the floor right thrust side kick.
Turn over to the right (Scissoring the legs) and then left side thrust kick
Rise on the left foot (sitting on the right knee)
Double jumping front kick from the kneeling position
Turn and close.

Andrew Ware Kihon Ni Dan


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