Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fusie Kise and Hohen Soken kata

 I first saw Fusei Kise at a tournament in Allentown, Pa. back in 1979. I had seen few Okinawan instructors at that time. I was astonished how his performance resembled the Isshinryu Kusanku, of course it was also quite different.


Fusei Kise Kusanku
Shorin Ryu Matsumura Kusanku Kata performed by Master Fusei Kise, 1969

Bo Nidan y Shodan Máster F.Kise

Now Kise was a student of Hohan Soken, though later he broke away, incorporating other kata and forming his own association.

Hohan Soken Chinto
Master Hohan Soken performing the Chinto Kata, Circa 1970

Hohan Soken Kata
Master Hohan Soken performing the Naihanci Shodan, Chinto and Pasai Sho katas.

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