Sunday, July 23, 2023

Andy Sloane on the Isshinryu Lower Body Chart


The lower body chart I taught you, is exactly what I learned and was posted on Mr. Lewis dojo wall. But there are always other answers. Andy Sloan on Okinawa shared this.



Andy Sloane The original lower-body chart consisted of the following:

1. Toe touch stretch
2. Back bend
3. Standing leg stretch
4. Squatting leg stretch
5. Front kick
6. Forward-angle kick
7. Cross-stomp kick
8. Side snap kick (blade/heel of foot)
9. Side kick (ball of foot)
10. Squat kick
11. Toe-rip kick (changed to heel thrust)
12. Knee smash kick
13. Pushups on knuckles
14. Body twist
15. Deep breathing

The majority of the Americans seem to have learned the lower-body chart (Ashi no Bu) second and this led them to call it Chart II. But some of them, like Bill Blond, actually learned this chart first, so, to those folks, the lower-body chart was Chart I.



 In my school, since technique 1 and 2 are similar to technique 15, I combine numbers 1 and 2 to make it a 2-part exercise, which frees up a space to add in the back kick and still retain a total of 15 lower-body basics.

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