Sunday, August 6, 2023

In Case You Are Wondering What is Up!!


Since a computer bug hit my system and wiped out my Passwords, I discovered that I could not establish a new password on FaceBook without answering questions I would not give to anyone. So I left FaceBook and have not looked  back.


In fact I miss FaceBook very little, I continue my studies into a wide variety of Okinawan Arts and History.


I have been posting even more on my blog Isshin Concentraton the Art.



I have also been reviewing my files on my PC and have discovered I saved thousands of articles, past discussions on many things. Issues that I have not heard discussed in decades, often lost in history that none have access to today.


So I decided to share some of them on my blog, giving anyone who wishes to view them. Many I did not save the source at the time I saved them, but all of them I believe were credible as I experienced them. And of course many of them I have the source too.


Enjoy the wild ride into past history as I experienced it.


And for the record when I began posting my thoughts on the interned over  40  years ago what I discovered is that I received few responses when I did so. That has never changed. I make no money doing this, I receive almost no response to what I share.

It just is what I do.


Victor Donald Smith


Yang Long Fist T’ai Chi Chaun

And a wide range of other studies on  Okinawan, Japanese, Chinese,Band, Korean, Indonesian and other traditions.

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