Monday, September 25, 2023

Defense of slipping into the empty space (nagashi kara-uke)


Posted on November 17, 2019 by Andreas Quast


This type of Meid movement can be found as Picture 124 in Mabuni Kenwa's 1938 book. Basically, it's simple:


Both opponents face each other in the position for the duel (Fig. 1).


The right person takes a failure step with right forward and pushes his right fist in the direction of the chin of the left person.


The left person, rotates about 45° from the attack line and to the side: the bale of the left foot serves as a pivot point, the right foot is placed sideways to the back.


So it is sic not an actual defensive movement of the extremities, but a dodge, a meid movement, or what is today usually referred to as tai-sabaki or tenshin (body shift).


It is practically easier to implement than to explain in writing. 🙂


In any case, this is a method that derives its right to exist above all from the fact that in karate, one likes to and often is attacked with a straight Tsuki, whereas in the case of a right-wing swinger this would of course not go so well.


Mabuni Kenwa 1938: Defense of slipping into the empty space (nagashi kara-uke)


© 2019, Andreas Quast. All rights reserved.

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