Monday, September 25, 2023

The Issue of First Generation Isshinryu students - the manner of kicking in Isshinryu

The manner of Isshinryu Kicking

Shimabuku Tatsuo using a kicking techinque from kata SunNuSu.…


This started the following discussion.

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John Kerker Original Isshin Ryu?


Steve Rappleyea John Kerker first group of students


 Bill Pogue in harry smiths book, he describes his original isshinryu studies as being 10 techniques, no kata and no weapons and on his return to okinawa, it was filled in to the present curriculum. when i started there were only 11 basics and 5 kicks, but i think tha’ts because Nagle forget-o. lol   


John Kerker Anyone who trained with Shimabuku Tatsuo on Okinawa is 1st generation suggest otherwise is ridiculous...


Andy Sloane Steve Rappleyea but Harry Smith wasn’t in the first group of students. He didn’t start until late 1957.


Andy Sloane Bill Pogue there absolutely were kata when Smith was here 1957-58. His time here overlapped with Harold Long’s and Harold Mitchum’s first tour.


Andy Sloane John Kerker there are additional criteria to being a first-generation student than that. Like Toby Cooling for instance. Not a first-generation student.


John Kerker Andy Sloane....such as?


Andy Sloane John Kerker I’ll send you something on that. For instance, people who were Isshin-ryu black belts under someone else before training under Tatsuo are automatically not first-generation students.


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