Monday, September 25, 2023

What is your preference when dealing with pressure?



(NOTE: I realize we are ALL going to be utilizing all of these responses at times, but the question applies to what you see yourself primarily prefer doing or going to.)


1.      Jamming or Entering: This is basically your desire to respond to strikes and/or pressure by either using interceptions or checking, trapping or blocking while entering into the gap to get busy with offensive responses from inside.


2. Remain static in your foundation and deal with whatever responses or pressure is coming at the moment with whatever manner of defensive or offensive in nature.


3. Moving back off the pressure to increase the gap and hopefully minimize the potential of getting tagged, while trying to figure out your next response.


Top of Form 1

Ron Martin having a “knee jerk reaction” against a very good fighter will prove to be very costly. If I see that you slide back and then “asses” the situation? As a knee jerk reaction? I will cause that reaction and be landing during your “assessment time.”

It is possible that I mis-understood you, or you didn’t mean it the way you said it.......but repeatedly having the same response to pressure seldom is a good thing against a better than average fighters. JIMHO.


Dennis Mawson I meant that moving back is my very first reaction to pressure. Helps me find timing and range. After that on the second attempt at pressure, that's when I'll rush in to jam. Or step back and then immediately rush in. Depends on what I found with my first reaction to determine timing and range.

But the game plan always involves using what I learned in the first response to make my second response better.


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