Monday, September 11, 2023

OKINAWAN DOJO ETIQUETTE - things you should know



There are karate schools which shout Oss (Ous) all the time. As we did not do this you may find why interesting.



Over the years, the use of the word "Oss or Osu" has become common in many Karate Dojos. However, most people only understand this as some type of "Japanese Greeting", NOT understanding its historical reference in Okinawa.


The term "Oss" is considered, in Okinawa, a militaristic term used in Japan. In Okinawa, this term may be considered derogatory and insulting ( even if not acknowledged as so, out of politeness ).


So if you are training in Okinawan Karate-Do, using this term in Okinawa, to an Okinawan or in an Okinawan Karate dojo, should be avoided.


An alternative expression you can used is "Hai" which basically is an affirmation of yes, or understanding or acknowledgement and much more polite in the Okinawan setting.


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