Monday, September 11, 2023

the exorcist purification ritual that Shimabuku Sensei



Kaneshi Eiko is also credited with creating the Isshin-ryu Upper and Lower exercises (Chart 1 and Chart 2).


I tell Kaneshi Sensei that I remember seeing him perform the exorcist purification ritual that Shimabuku Sensei performed and if he would please demonstrate and explain it to me.


Kaneshi Eiko Sensei demonstrates and explains the purification ritual Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei performed at all the major karate demonstrations.


1. O Inori ( prayer) for good luck. Bow once.

2. Clap hands twice (
柏手 kashiwade), alerting heaven and earth and rub hands in a small circular motion mixing Heaven with Earth as One.

3. One leg steps to the rear into seisan dachi chopping to the front as in the opening of kusanku kata. Represents man is One with Heaven and Earth (Universe or Whole World). In all styles of Shorin-ryu karate with the kata kusanku, the making of the circle “o” represents World Peace.

4. Kiai and simultaneously chop to both side as in wansu kata scattering evil spirits.

5. Throw and scatter salt for purification.


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