Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Sherman Harrill and what I call multiple striking


One of my interests that developed over time as I trained with many people involves the idea of multiple striking. Only much later did I realize Tom Lewis incorporated a version of this in IMO  his unique Chart I (upper body drills). Of course I have been slow many times.  How and what I refer to as Multiple Striking I refer you to the many blog links at the end of this discuission.


However I discovered over the years I attended clinics with Sherman Harrill that he had studied this from Tatsuo Shimabuku and worked up his own even more intense version (again IMO).


One time Sherman explained a favorite strike of Tatsuo was to strike with a vertical punch then collapse his striking arm elbow to immediately strike the same spot with an elbow strike.  This alone is superb.


While many others may do this I have never heard anyone explain doing so.


Then one time Sherman taught us an extreme example of this principle.


If the attacker steps in with his right foot and delivers a right strike to your head”


1.     You strike into the side of their lower left abdomen. This is a light strike and when delivered slides off and to your left.

2.     As that occurs the fist continues to strike lightly off their lower right abdomen.

3.     They your right vertical fist strikes their right arm triceps underneath their striking arm using that strike to distract the attacker further as it delivers a painful strike at the same time.

4.     As your right strike concludes fold your right arm at the elbow and is strikes back as a rearward elbow strike into the left side ribs of their body.

5.     The right fist of the striking arm then delivers a back fist strike

a.     The back fist strike might be into the arm pit.

b.    Or the back fist strike might be to the side of the head

6.     As the right fist slides back to chamber it can also be a strike into a left outgoing punch if they have started to throw one. This returning slashing strike stops their strike from going forward.

7.     Conclude with your right hand returning to chamber.


Of course such depends on the actual situation.  It can be successfully done with fewer strikes. Sherman also demonstrated this.


Multiple Striking is not better than a solid single shot, just a different option that situational may make sense.


Links to my blog describing other types of Multiple Striking.



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