Friday, December 29, 2023

I was shown the Masters Level Heian Shodan one time



This is what Tristan Sutrisno called this version of Heian Shodan when he showed it to me one time in the early 80s in his home.  He really did not appreciate that I would remember it, or practice it as he did not teach it to me. 

Then years later, again in his home, he described the form to me, when I then jumped up and performed it. He did not remember that he had shown it to me before. He was astonished I knew the form.

Of course, as a function of learning several hundred forms over my years, if I seriously watched I often got the form easier than most instructors would know.

Truthfully, I do not believe the form was a Master Level form, rather a name attached to an exercise showing another unique use of blocking. The form used the embusen of Heian Shodan. That meant the student did not have to worry about learning a new form and would concentrate on a new version's techniques.

Essentially the form utilizes multiple blocking strikes, and I’ve only run into this style of practice with his family system.  The Embusen is the same as Heian Shodan (although in his basic version on the back row he doesn’t step and punch, instead he steps in with a back stance and an inside block each time).

Each section can be done as another drill in its own right. I have only seen this type of multiple blocking done in the Sutrisno system of Shotokan.  

I am providing two separate descriptions for the form, to allow you to better understand it. I never filmed the form. It was never a requirement for any of my students, but at times I had my adult students perform it with me leading as a singular exercise because I always wanted them to realize how multiple blocking could be useful.

There are two slightly different versions of this drill. The first uses triple punches in one section, the second uses triple blocks to counter the style of triple punches in the first version. Likewise, there is a second change in each kata, replacing a back hammer fist strike with a back of the wrist strike. This form was just a tool to accomplish many things.

Masters Level Heian Shodan version one


1. Turn Left Zen. Dachi, Left Low Block immediately followed by Right Low Block

2. Step forward into Right Zen. Dachi, Right Low Block immediately followed by Left Low Block

3. Turn 180 to the right into Right Zen Dachi, Right Low Block

4. Pull Right foot back alongside left and Deliver Right Hammer fist to head on your right side.

5. Step to your right with your left into Left Zen. Dachi, Left Low Block immediately followed by Right Low Block

6. Turn 90 to the left into Left Zen. Dachi, Left Low Block followed by Left Open hand High Block

7. Right Foot Forward into Right Zen. Dachi, Right High Block Then Grab followed by Left High Block, follow this with 3 punches, right high then left middle then right low punch. (this blocking would block a triple punching attack - high, middle then low)

8. Left Foot Forward into Left Zen. Dachi. Left High Block, then Grab followed by Right High Block, follow this with 3 punches, left high, then right middle then left low punch.

9 Right Foot Forward into Right Zen. Dachi, Right High Block Then Grab followed by Left High Block, follow this with 3 punches, right high then left middle then right low punch.

10. Turn 270 to the left into Left Zen Dachi, Left Low Block followed by Right Low Block

11. Step forward into Right Zen Dachi, Right High Block followed by left middle punch.

12. Turn 180 to the right into Right Zen. Dachi, Right Low Block followed by Left Low Block

13. Step forward into Left Zen Dachi, Left High Block followed by right middle punch

14. Turn 90 to the left into Left Back Stance, Left Low block followed by Left Middle Block

15. Step forward into Right Back Stance, Right Inside Block followed with Right Outer Wrist Strike

16. Step forward into Left Back Stance, Left Inside Block followed by Left Outer Wrist Strike

17. Step forward into Right Back Stance, Right Inside Block followed with Right Outer Wrist Strike

18. Turn 270 to the left into Left Back Stance, Left Outer Knifeman Block/Strike followed by Right Outer Knife Hand Block/Strike

19. Step out 45 into Right Back Stance, Right Outer Knife Hand Block/Strike followed by Left Outer Knife Hand Block/Strike

20. Turn 135 to the right into Right Back Stance, Right Outer Knife Hand Block/Strike followed by Left Outer Knife Hand Block/Strike

21. Step out 45 into Left Back Stance, Left Outer Knife Hand Block/Strike followed by Right Outer Knife Hand Block/Strike

22, Step back into the closing Rei

Masters Level Heian Shodan version two

Rei facing 12 o’clock

Turn to 9 o’clock, stepping LFF into Left Front Stance with a left low block followed by a right low block.

Step RFF into Right Front Stance with a right low block followed by a left low block.

Turn 180 clockwise to 3 o’clock, pivoting on the left foot, into Right Front Stance with a Right low block.

Pull the right foot back alongside the left, turn 90 counterclockwise to 12 o’clock and deliver a right-side descending hammer fist strike towards 3 o’clock.

Pivoting 90 degrees clockwise to 3 o’clock on the right foot, LFF into Left Front Stance with a left low block followed by a right low block.

Turn 90 degrees counterclockwise to 12 o’clock, pivoting on the right foot, stepping forward with the left foot then a left low block turning into left high block, turning into a left high knife hand block.

RFF into Right Front Stance with a right high block, then right middle inside block, then a right low block, then a left high punch, then a right middle punch finishing with a left low punch.

LFF into Left Front Stance with a left high block, then left middle inside block, then a left low block, then a right high punch, then a left middle punch finishing with a right low punch.

RFF into Right Front Stance with a right high block, then right middle inside block, then a right low block, then a left high punch, then a right middle punch finishing with a left low punch.

Turn 270 counterclockwise, pivoting on the right foot, stepping into Left front stance to 3 o’clock with a left low block followed by a right low block..

RFF into Right Front Stance with a right high punch then a left middle punch.

Turn 180 clockwise to 9 o’clock, pivoting on the left foot, into Right Front Stance with a right low block followed by a left low block.

LFF into Left Front Stance with a left high block then a right middle punch.

Turn to 6 o’clock, stepping LFF into Left Front Stance with a left low block.

Step RFF into Right back stance with a right inside middle strike then a right outside middle hammer fist strike...

Step LFF into Left back stance with a left inside middle strike then a left outside middle hammer fist strike.

Step RFF into Right back stance with a right inside middle strike then a right outside middle hammer fist strike.

Turn 270 counterclockwise to 9 o’clock, pivoting on the right foot, stepping into Left back stance with a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover, then a right open middle hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover.

Pivoting on the left foot, RFF to 10:30, stepping into Right back stance, with a right open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover, then a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover.

Pivot on the left foot, and turn to 3 o’clock, stepping into a Right back stance, with a right open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover, then a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover.

 Pivoting on the right foot, LFF to 1:30, stepping into Left back stance with a left open hand outer middle strike and an accompanying right open hand middle cover. Then a right open middle hand outer middle strike and an accompanying left open hand middle cover.

Step back into a closing Rei.

Each version of this drill uses the same embusen of Heian Shodan. 

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