Friday, December 29, 2023

Kyan on Fighting by Dan Smith


Tips on fighting 

Before you move you must be aware of the capabilities of your opponent. If he is powerful, it is inevitable that he will rely on force and will tend to attack. In that case I will concentrate on blocking until he uses more and more force and I will launch my attack at the moment when he reveals an opening. It is a technique, which borrows the opponent’s force. 

If the opponent is not powerful, he will be on the defensive and he will multiply his movements be retreating often. In this case you must only throw definite attacks. Then you must use punches and kicks both to make him retreat and to make your attack. When I take the initiative of the attack I must watch out for unexpected counterattacks. 

I must not overestimate my force and my speed when I attack. An agile person will be able to counter-attack fast before I move by guessing the movements of my hands and feet. 

You must hide the technique that you are going to use from your opponent by concealing your own intent. Whatever the capability of your opponent you must neither go forward nor back more than three steps. 

At the moment of combat, you must take care to defend your centerline from the eyes to the groin. You must take care to avoid punches between the eyes, kicks in the testicles and do not let yourself be grabbed. As a general rule it is better not to use too much force for defense. If you use to much force for blocks, every gesture will be slowed down, which runs the risk of losing an opportunity. 

When you grasp an opponent’s arm you must do it strongly and loosely at the same time, but the spirit must be strong, so that you can react adequately to your opponent’s reaction. 

Any punch must be above all fast. When it is blocked and deflected from its target it must continue on its path and strike anywhere (included in Kyan’s Karate). And, even if the attack did not have a strong impact, it will trouble your opponent. Then you must continue to do all possible punches and kicks without stopping at all, spontaneously and gradually. 

It is not necessary to block your opponent’s kicks with your hand. You can block them with your leg and throw a punch the same time. Even if your opponent falls, do not attack him too carelessly, as you may receive an unexpected attack. 

When your opponent seizes your leg there is no danger if you put your foot on the ground very strongly. But you must take care not to fall when the ground is uneven. 

When facing your opponent, take care not to play into his strategy. Some use their feet while punching or pretend to grab a hand. Others use fists while pretending to throw a foot attack. React according to voice and noise. Never relax. 

When you are facing several opponents, you must never fight close in; above all, keep your distance. If one attacks my right, I move to the left. As soon as I have attacked the one facing me, I attack the opponent behind me. It is the only good way. 

Shared by Dan Smith in 2005

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