Saturday, June 22, 2024

I was left blushing

Date:  Sun Mar 3, 2002  4:05 pm 


Subject:  Re: Visiting Victor's School for a clinic

Hey all,

just a quick note. I just got back from spending the bulk of the day working out with Victor. He had invited myself and my dojo-mates up to train, and learn the Bando Hidden Stick form. 

We came up, spent the day learning and sharing, and in general had a great time. I am reminded once again of the unusual quality of the people in this group, both in ability and, to me even more importantly, in openness and generosity. It was a day
very well spent, and I hope to do something like this again sometime soon.

Victor was a great host, an excellent teacher, and his students were very welcoming as well. Can't say too many good things.

Thanks to Victor, and to the group as a whole for making this type of sharing possible.




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