Saturday, June 22, 2024

As time flows on......


At the time I entered my Isshinryu studies I knew there were various systems of martial arts..

1. A friend in college who studied Shotokan with Okazaki in Philadelphia.
2. I had a brother studying with in SL Martin in NJ
3. I had a brother studying TKD under the Jhoon Ree System
4. I had a brother and sister studying Shotokan in York Pa.

I knew there was Okinawan and Japanese styles of karate, i did not know what the differences were. I just thought they were different types on karate.

When I attended karate tournaments I saw many, many systems, no one ever discussed other karate, thus they all seemed legitimate to me.

However as the years passed I grew more
sophisticated. I came to realize that stepping on a tournament floor wearing a black belt did not mean everything was one the up and up. There were really no rules and many of the systems had no real historical roots to prove they descended from real karate. And some of the most transient of systems still produced extremely skilled members,, at least within the confines of the open tournament.



But doing this for 50 years gives me some knowledge. The systems which had no roots, did not seem to last in the long run. So many of those practitioners in those systems seem to have dissipated in the test of time. Looking I can find no evidence of their existence on the internet today.

And the same for those systems instructors and masters.

Consider 50 years ago in Penna. the Senior Instructors/Senior Tournament Judges who really ran most of those tournaments, doing so with very heavy hands, are today lost on the internet as for their relevance.

So many people I cannot locate anymore. I am reminded of those that were into karate tournaments and became champions continually. Eventually they stopped competing and many quit karate, as it had ceased to be fun anymore.

Having been an instructor for 45 years, I understand that in time it passes away. The day comes everyone may choose to do something else. Having lost so much ability over the years and continuing illnesses, I realize this is what occurs.

Life Happens!


Then talk about Serendipity, I just watched the SYFY channel and R.E.D. was playing.


I would like to believe that describes me.


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