Monday, June 24, 2024

Salisbury at the beginning

Maureen and I were living in Salisbury MD. I was a construction laborer and she found work as a substitute teacher. We made enough to live but we did not have luxuries. It was more than enough for us.

One day when I was on the job where the company I worked for was build in Gym complex for Salisbury State College, I was asked to stay late. Earlier in the day we had poured the floor for the college swimming pool and I was asked to remain working to keep watering down the pour to allow the concrete to cure.

One of the carpenters stopped by to shoot the breeze with me. In our conversation he mentioned there was a karate school outside town. After living there for over 1 and 1/2 years I had never heard of it. He described the school as being held in a karate barn outside of town. Then he told me how to get there.

Later at home I thought about it. After work I most often read, history or linguistic philosophy or men adventure fiction. Perhaps watch a few TV shows. But as all my brothers and sister were then studying various martial arts, I thought that perhaps I should check that school out.


The Salisbury Dojo was built for Sensei Lewis by one of his first students,

 a real estate developer. While appearing to be a barn, inside it was a custom dojo.

The next evening I drove over to the school, parked, then went inside and asked about the program. I was told I could sit and watch a class.


I was also told if I was then interested I should come back on the next class and talk to the instructor, Tom Lewis.

So that is what I did. I observed the entire class, decided what I saw was interesting and decided to come back the next day.

When I returned the next day I found the door was locked so I knocked.  Tom Lewis came over and opened the door, inquiring what I wanted.

I explained that after watching a class I wished to join is possible.

Tom explained that class for students was only held Monday and Thursday nights and the dojo was later holding a black belt class later in the evening (and that class was not for spectators).  However he invited me into his office to talk about me joining the program.

After he sat behind his desk, he asked me why I wanted to take karate. Did I want to learn how to defend myself.

I told him the reason was I was interested. My college roommate had been a Shotokan student. That got me reading karate magazines. Then I explained that all my brothers and sisters were studying different systems. I never had the opporinity to train and found myself interested.

Of course as we talked I looked around his office observing many karate details on the walls.

He explained a great deal about Isshinryu.
I then explained that I really was interested to give it a try.
Lewis Sensei explained I could do so, telling me when the next class was.  He also explained that there was a $15.00 a month fee. That I wound not need a uniform to start and Just to wear sweat pants and a t-shirt for class. He shook my hand and I departed.

That Thursday I showed up early and observed how the dojo seem custom built for the class. Various people were showing up for class and going to the changing room to change. I also was directed to first remove my shoes, then shown were the changing room was and found a locker for my shown and things.

Then I went out into the dojo and waited for the start of class. I found there were several other beginners also starting that night.

Then the class lined up the advanced kyu's in front till us beginners were in the last row behind everyone.

Sensei Lweis remained in his office watching everything happening through his window.

Then Sensei came out and told everyone to knee. I heard him give the command " Kus/Cus Kei -Rei" ("Get Ready...Bow") we then bowed our heads to the floor. Then we got up.


Sensei then led the class through that day's warmup. The warmup seemed to change each day. That day it was about 15-20 minutes of stretching.


After warmup, those of us who were new beginners were led by two green belts in to the alcove before the dojo proper and we were taught the Upper Body and Lower Body combinations. The same ones what were posted at the back of the dojo on the wall.

By that time the rest of the class was over.

The entire class lined up like the beginning. The class then rei'd out and class was over.

This photo of Lewis Sensei was taken in the alcove at the front of the dojo floor.  On the wall there were Sensei's weapons, his kumite gear from Okinawa and other training gear.


That was how Issshinryu began for me.

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