Thursday, September 5, 2024

Another glimpse of Ueichi Ryu

 I have written previously how moving to New Hampshire I discovered that Ueichi Ryu was a very serious system.

Buzz Durkin had a Uechi school near Derry NH where I lived, My 3 Ueichi brown belts who joined my program had received their training at Buzz Durkin's dojo.

A good glimpse of the American Ueichi experience can be seen in the following video of Judy Durkin (Buzz's wife) at a Ueichi Summerfest.

Judy Durkin SummerFest

Ueichi from a different perspective can be seen in the following video.

The 2019 Empty-handed Martial Arts Exercise on the Earth Stream
A very interesting Ueichi demonstration
On February 24, 2019, the Okinawa Karate Grand Demonstration was held at KITTE near Tokyo Station.

Some of my personal experiences wih Ueichi Ryu can be found on an earlier blog post at

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