Friday, September 6, 2024

What was Kumite on Okinawa

 A look at Kumite on Okinawa. First a part of Uechi Dan testing in 1982.  Next in 1990  World Karate Contact Sparring Black Belt

Kumite match between Gushi and Chenin, part of black belt test day in Futenma Dojo, Okinawa, 1982 


Shiai kumite, free style sparring, is a required part of all Uechi Ryu black belt tests in Okinawa through Godan, fifth degree black belt. In this 1982 match between 22-year-old Sandan candidate Tsukasa Gushi, son of Master Shinyu Gushi, and 32-year-old Nidan candidate Chenin San, a fireman from the Kadena dojo, shows two distinctive attitudes and sparring styles.

     Starting in the 1980's kumite matches for black belt, tests were conducted with a center referee and four corner judges, awarding points for techniques.  This was done as a training tool for the increasing interest and participation in sparring tournaments outside Okinawa, mostly in mainland Japan.  Prior to that, testing matches ran uninterrupted for three minutes.  They were controlled by a center referee who stopped the action only when competitors were locked up with each other or injured.

     In this film the instructions given are by nine-time Okinawan sparring Champion Kiyohide Shinjo. Shinyu Gushi is seen as a corner judge.

     I am seated for my next match, behind Tsukasa Gushi.  I was the victor in my match and passed my Yondan, 4th degree black belt ,test. My match, however challenging, was not as unique in techniques as this one.

Taken from Alan Dollar's Okinawan Karate Historical Series. Volume 1 of 3, Episode 4.

Highlights of the 1990 World Karate Contact Sparring Black Belt Tournament in Naha, Okinawa


These fast-paced highlights shows the best hits from the top matches in this 1990 Contact World Sparring Tournament in Okinawa, Japan.  The rules of this tournament dictate no face contact and full body contact.  One would not know that, from the intensity you about to see here!


Exciting and entertaining high impact sparring action (Kumite).

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