Once again I wish to return to ‘BUBISHI’ published by Roland
Habsetzer, to look at a few unique paintings he shows. I will let my
translation of his text describe them.
He wrote:
following pages reproduced in the murals the more representatives that can pick
up in the fresco of the "Building of the White Robe" (Bai Yu) from
"First monastery under the Heaven" (Shaolin), the holy place of
Chinese martial arts.
They date back to the
Ming Emperors (it
dates the fresco restored,
1828) and have
survived in part to the terrible tests experienced
by the monastery.
surviving fresco from the last destruction of the monastery at the beginning of
the century, during the Chinese civil war, and is again being restored, without
concern that there is change and uncertainty with respect to the original
is not only a certain artistic treasure, but also a unique and exceptional
source for all martial arts practitioners, regardless of today their directions
of study.
is evident that these arhats (saints
of Buddhism) in combat have been painted by an artist perfectly aware of the
art of the old Kung Fu techniques.
are indeed easily seen, this true "B.D." of observations specified on
blocks, guards, kicks, clearances, positions...
should be noted, in particular, page 39, two "kicking ghosts ‘phantom kicks’ " simultaneous and
a rear kick, or, page 37. A deadlock ‘lock’
with seizure of the wrist.
Then Habsetzer contrasted these with various drawings from the Bubishi
Then Habsetzer notes “Figures of the Bubishi, reviewed graphic and precise, as they are taken up by Sensei Tadahiko Ohtsuka in a publication of
his Gojukensha in Tokyo (also overleaf). These 16 figures of close
combat are part of the 48 techniques presented in the second part of this