Sunday, May 15, 2022

ISSHIN- Concentration the Art (explaination)


 Just be perfectly clear, I do not consider myself a great expert.

Likely many who look at my blog posts know a great deal more than I do, and have greater experiences.


I created my blog to share with my 5 senior students our shared training so they could remember what we did over 30 years together. And to share some of what I attempted to study and/or read. I do not believe information should be hidden (abet there is a great deal I have shared with them privately).


I have never looked for remote students and am not through this sharing.


It is simply my best recollection of what I have seen or experienced. And some of it may be incorrect. Most of this I never had time to share with my students over our decades together. Their own training was always more important. But I want them to have access o what I have seen, in case it proves useful for the future needs.


I expect some will read and discard. A smaller amount will attempt to learn it for themselves. Of course is is not possible to do so, as I would have shared it, But if from their own efforts they can make any of it their own by their own efforts, they deserve it and I applaud their efforts.


I guess I have shared several books of material on my blog. That came about as part of my jobs required me to be literate and that in turn made me take better notes of what I have experienced.


A friend, Jim Keenan, feels that what I have done is unique, for he is unaware of anyone who has freely done so. As a surprise he gathered some of my posts and created a book of them for me. It was done as a gift, not for profit. He just wanted to see these notes in book form.


I hope my memories may give some to think further about the arts we love, me haps to add a word or to so that I may gain greater knowledge and/or correct an error at times.


I have great fun writing of my experiences and sharing them.


Thank you for listening to me.




The book I referenced:

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