Friday, September 1, 2023

Interview with Nakazato Joen.



 The translator is Uehara Kunio.


Nakazato Joen after seeing my T-shirt I was wearing with the Isshin-ryu Megami (Goddess of Isshin-ryu) on it called me over to say, Shimabuku Tatsuo was a student of Kyan Chotoku .


He also explained and showed me how Kyan Chotoku being a short person, used a vertical punch to the face of a taller opponent. Nakazato was also told by Kyan Chotoku not to copy him using the vertical punch.


Nakazato Sensei also explained Shimabuku Tatsuo created his own style and used the vertical punch. As a rule, the vertical punch was not taught to hit the face by Shimabuku Tatsuo Sensei, but to the body.


Nakazato Joen was born on April 13, 1922. He began training with Kyan in 1937 when he was 15 years old and was a student at the Okinawa Prefecture Agricultural School which was then located at Kadena

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