Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Suggestion for a short self defense class

 I just saw this today on the net. It is a reasonable self defense class suggestioln for those who are smaller than their attacker, IMO

From 4-12-2024

Expert reveals five simple self-defense moves every woman needs to know to fight off male attackers

    An upcoming book reveals the top moves women should know for self-defense.  The techniques are written by renowned martial artist Joanna Ziobronowicz
By Emily Joshu Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Every woman knows what it's like to look over their shoulder or clutch their purse  a bit tighter because they see a strange person walking behind them at night.

And, unfortunately, far too many women know what it's like to feel unsafe on the street or even in their own home.

Research out of Georgetown University has found that half of American women feel unsafe simply for being women.

Although the vast majority of violent attacks are perpetrated by someone the victim knows, 50,000 US women are raped by a stranger every year, according to research from Arizona State University.

However, martial artist and self-defense expert Joanna Ziobronowicz is trying to empower women with knowledge of movements that can help fend off an attacker.

In her upcoming book She Fights Back, professional trainer Joanna - who holds a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - shares strategies for spotting red flags in dangerous situations and defending yourself against an attacker.

Joanna, owner of fitness workshop firm, Women's Self Defense UK, also uses her 20 years' experience as a Jiu-Jitsu champion to share her top moves to get out of hostile situations.

Her tips come as one in 10 American women who enroll in self-defense classes say they do so because of a previous assault.
Certain situations can impair our motor skills and judgment, so it is therefore essential to use common-sense measures when things get physical,' Joanna writes.

Before practicing any move, she recommends checking your local laws on what counts as acceptable self-defense and looking into personal safety alarms or sprays that are legal in your area.
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'When the threat is imminent and you have no exit routes, it's time to push the attacker away or strike,' she writes.

'These techniques are considered last-resort situations and can be highly effective when dealing with an attacker who has confined you to a challenging position from which it is difficult to escape.'

Key body parts Joanna mentions using in the moves are your knees, elbows, and palms.

Knee strikes to the groin, for example, are 'one of the most potent techniques you can use when defending yourself against a male attacker.' However, a closed fist works too.

And don't count out your fingers.

'In situations where you are pinned against a wall or on the floor, making it difficult to use common striking techniques, fingers can be invaluable,' Joanna writes. 'They can be used for throat attacks, eye gouging or pressing thumbs into the attacker's eye sockets, or twisting the ears.'

Here are five of Joanna's signature moves for escaping an attacker. 


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