Friday, September 20, 2024

Dim Mak Point Strike Applications from the Taijiquan Forms. - one


Erle Montaigue


Raise palms so that the wrists attack into both of the opponent's inside wrists to attack to Neigwan bringing the force in towards you. Then, when this has weakened him, pull him down onto your knee into GB 24 or LIV 14.

Push Left:

Shake to block his oncoming attack to attack with left palm to GB 1 (lateral to the corner of the eye and just up a tad or SI 19 (on the outside of the ear just where that little protrusion is.) Must be struck in a going towards the face direction and using the tips of the fingers. Causes dizziness and fainting on a small scale but will kill if great power is used.

If SI is used then we squeeze the little finger to heal if only light and dizziness is felt but if harder then there is no cure.

Block his oncoming right attack with left palm pushing upward on the outside of his arm as you right palm comes underneath and step to your left. Attack his TW 17 just behind the ear with a towards you strike, this is a killing point as there is no cure!

Block with left P'eng as your right palm immediately comes over it to take over, now the right palm swings his arm greatly over to your right as your left palm attacks to ST 9. If he is only knocked out, then lay him in feotal position and squeeze the back of his neck on GB 20 just under two base skull bones. If done too hard then the heart stops so CPR is necessary.

Block from small san-sau, attack to the ST 9 again while the other palm attacks the inside of the wrist in a towards you way to upset his seat of power. 

Note: The Old Yang Style Tai Ch form from the videos was not exactly the Yang Long Fist form I had studied. The photos shown were screen prints from the Montague Yang form in the attached videos. I have done my best to select these screen prints to attempt to match Montague's Tai Chi Dim Mak descriptions.

I do feel this text shows what Montague was getting to in his books on Dim Mak theory, of course attached to his Meridian Texts.

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