Saturday, January 13, 2018

Collision With Reality

A very long time ago in school, the problem was asked.
“If two trains both traveling as  20 MPH collide,
what is the resulting force of the collision?”
The answer was they met as if going 40 MPH.
Long into my own study of kata application potential
One evening I was working with Dr. Paul Harper in class.
A new idea had come to me and I wanted to test it out.
So I asked Paul to attack me, with a standard stepping lead hand strike,
Knowing enough to use slow motion.
I just stepped forward into the attack,
Just performing the movement from some kata
(which one long forgotten at this time).
My defense from that kata movement was applied too quickly,
Even at slow motion.
I just blasted Paul in the face.
And his reply was not a happy one.
So I apologized, not realizing what occurred.
Then I promised I would go much slower the next time
And we should attempt it again.
Paul attacked again,
And I moved slower with my response.
Of course the answer nailed him again.
The move involved is not the lesson I am talking about.
The key component is that both of us were closing on one another.
That made the kata response being done, happen much more suddenly.
And in my experience I repeated this
with any number of various kata movements.
When two bodies are moving together things happen very quickly.
Too quick to for any possible defense to be mounted.
The speed of the closing movement
A Force Enhancer.
One which I have found is rarely discussed.
Thus at closing speed,
Many movements produce impressive results.
 Kata as if two trains are colliding.

1 comment:

Victor Smith said...

Ron Martin - Yes, you are correct. Two trains are colliding.....but, only one of the trains is aware of or expecting the collision!!!!! This differential? Is not a small thing. It is the difference in totally humiliating and defeating your opponent and escaping unscathed? Or just trading blows until one is more hurt that the other!

I made what most would agree was an amazing career, mostly using just two principles. The first? Never block more than once in a row!!! We must be mentally and physically prepared to hit our opponent; every single time we block!!!! If they are executing a technique? They have an opening. The easiest attacking technique to block? Is positively the first technique thrown from your attacker! If you do this? You will never need to deal with a combination.

The second principle is directly relatable to the eye opening information you discovered in explaining the results of your experiment, with what really happens, when at the first motion of attack from your opponent? You move forward and meet them “half way!”

No one that attacks? Is ever prepared for forward movement from their opponent, to this attack! Every technique the attacker is using? Is aimed and timed to the spot where the defender is.....or where the defender is expected to retreat to!!!!

If you meet the attacking opponent half way? You have placed the attacker in a situation that they are neither mentally or physically prepared to deal matter how much experience they may have fighting or sparring!!!!

I hope my comments have enhanced and solidified the lessons you learned from your epiphany!

posted with the permission of Ron Martin
