just discovered I saved this on 3-26-2019 and unfortunately no longer know the
source, but it raises more interesting points about Funakoshi Ginchin and is
worth heading.

Following are twenty oral transmissions (Kuden) for the understanding
of kata as taught by Kubota Shozan (a student of Gichin Funakoshi), from his
student, Higaki Gennosuke:
1. Countering: Motobu
Choki commented that the blocking hand must immediately become the attacking
hand. It is not a true martial technique to block with one hand and counter
with another. When the block and counter-attack are simultaneous that is true
martial technique. “There cannot be multiple attacks against true Okinawan
karate, because if an attack is countered properly, there can be no further
2. Immobilize
the Opponent before Striking: The opponent must be rendered into such a state
s/he cannot attack again, or even move, before executing a strike or kick.
3. The Names of
Movements have been Disguised: Originally there were no names for the
movements. It wasn’t until about 1935 that Shotokan established the terminology
to teach large groups. However the terminology hid the meaning of the
techniques. Many “blocks” were actually attacks.
4. There are no
Techniques that End with a Block: There is no combative movement that ends with
a block; there is always a counteroffensive movement. Moves that are called
blocks are really attacks.
5. Block with
Both Hands: In reality it is difficult to block an attack with one hand. When
the hands cross across the chest, it hides a double block, which holds the true
meaning. This is based on the fact that it is a natural movement to raise both
hands when something comes suddenly at you.
6. Grabbing Hand
and Pulling Hand: You pull your hand to your hip because that pulls the
opponent into position for attack. The opponent will be pulled off-balance, you
double the speed and power and the grabbing and pulling can be used for the
beginning of throws and joint techniques.
7. The Front
Hand is the Attacking Hand: By attacking with the front hand you attack from
the closest possible distance. (The back hand is the blocking hand).
8. Perform a
Movement that Consists of Two Counts in One Count: Many movements in kata that
are shown as two count are really one-count techniques, which can be explained
by a switch step.
9. Switch Step
(Fumi kae): Most of the movements in kata use a walking gait. To correctly use
the movements, it is necessary to change to a switch step. When this is
understood, the meaning of kata will deepen. More power can be applied to the
punch when the feet slide and the distance can be adjusted between you and the
opponent as well.
10. Kicks are
Performed Low While Grabbing the Opponent: “Kicks are meant to be delivered
below the belt.” In most of kata bunkai, kicks are executed when grabbing the
opponent. This helps stabilize a person when “standing on one leg.” Also, in
close fighting where one can grab an opponent, the field of vision is limited,
so it is difficult to defend against a low kick.
11. There is One
Opponent to the Front: Do not be fooled by the embusen (performance line). As a
rule, there is only one opponent to the front. S/he is actually being dragged
to the front and rear and to the left and right in a Copernican (the method of
tori maintaining the center) change.
12. Hang the
Opponent to Sky: This is the same as a forearm twist (yuki chigai) in Aikido.
It is represented in between techniques in kata.
13. Re-block and
Re-grip: This refers to controlling the opponent by shutting down the attack by
using both hands. The first three blocks of Heian Sandan cross the opponent’s
arms (fushu in Chinese; juji garami in Aikido).
14. Take the
Opponent’s Back: This is the most difficult position for an opponent to counter
attack from.
15. Crossed Leg
Stance: Signifies Body Rotation or a Joint Kick
16. Jumps and
Body Shifts: Represent Throws
17. Break the
Balance: in a triangle whose Base is the Base of the Opponent’s Feet, and the
third point being the Head, the center of balance can be manipulated
18. Me-oto-te
(The Use of Both Hands Together): An example would be morote uke. The
supporting hand (against the elbow) is the grabbing and pulling hand. The
“blocking” hand makes the attack.
19. Cut the
Forearm: Try to use a technique similar to kendo in which the forearm is
“Chopped” leaving damage to the tendons.
20. The Kamae is
an Invitation: When you know where the attack will occur, it is easier to
defend against it.