Saturday, November 5, 2022


 I remember when Young Lee was first training with me, I made a point about the use of the hips was necessary to develop as skill advanced in his karate.


To show him what I meant I had him watch Donald O’Conner and Gene Kelly dance in Singing in the Rain. Both of them were and are incredible dancers, but there is a visible difference in their capabilities as they dance.


While Donald is extremely good there is a vast difference between what Gene would do as they danced.


What you need to do is concentrate on their hips while dancing.


Donald is very energetic when he dances, and his footwork is as good as Gene’s.


But where Donald in energetic, Gene simply floats through his dances. He keeps his hips in total conyrol as he moves.


It would be best to show you what I mean.


They dance together numerous times in the movie. Watch them dance and observe how Gene effortlessly keeps his central body core in greater control.

As I said IMO both are great dancers, but also IMO Gene has a higher level of body control.


And in my opinion the same holds true for karate movement.

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