Saturday, June 15, 2024

Last Man Standing


During our call the other day I suggested martial artists with very different backgrounds and their arts based on opposing principles could still drop any enemy that stood before them..

I realize it is easy to say that but I think I can provide a stronger example for you.

Let's say 25 years ago I invited a few individuals into the dojo in Salisbury Md. Got them into the room, locked them in the dojo and then turned out the lights. To leave they had to be the last man standing, the rule of the engagement.

So in the dark, alone and facing each other, who would be the last man standing.

The participants I chose:

1. Tom Lewis, Isshinryu karate and kobudo


2. Charles Murray, Isshinryu karate and kobudo

3. Sherman Harrill, Isshinryu karate and kobudo


4. Ernest Rothrock, Shaolin, Northern Eagle Claw, Northern Mantis, Pai Lum, a wide variety of Chinese weapons (over 75), Yang Tai Chi and Wu Tai Chi


5. Tris Sutrisno, Shotokan, Aikido,Tjimande, Sutrisno family kobudo

Having trained with all of them and knowing how extremely skilled all of them are. Each also had spent decades in their own weapons training to become a force enhancer for their empty hand art(s).

I truly have no idea who would be the last man standing. I have personally experienced each of them do amazing things, things that defy logic. And their arts often rely on vastly divergent principles to each others arts.

I do not mean there are not others similarly skilled. Just I have selected individuals who from personal experience have greatly impressed me.

Tom is the absolute best Bo individual I ever saw. He could always kick a heavy bag harder than I could hit is with a baseball bat.

Charles was absolutely amazing in kumite. He could maintain a 3 foot circle around him that allowed him to back up or attack whenever his opponent touched that 3 foot point.

Sherman after a lifetime of work was capable or taking any movement and finding a unique way to utilize it.

Ernie had a most 
phenomenal knowledge of many arts, trained in a immense variety of 2 person forms allowing him to face anybody. You could never anticipate what he might do.

Tris was also 
phenomenal. He was incredible as a tournament fighter. Then he was trained in ways to go through any attack.  He likewise had a superb grasp of his arts, That would give you nothing to anticipate. His training was so unique, as he began at age 4, his range to enter an attack was phenomenal.

Something to consider.

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