Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Use of Aikido in Bushi No Te Isshinryu


The Aikido I taught was passed to me by Tris Sutrisno, as was expressed through his father’s art. Technically it is not Aikido as expressed within Aikido tradition.


Aikido as developed by Usheiba Morihito basically is a series of techniques that lead to locking an opponent or leading the opponent to projection.


Usheiba developed his Aikido over his studies in many martial arts, foremost among them Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu.


Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu, itself an extremely complex Japanese tradition, consists of a huge number of techniques. Usheiba Sensei only utilized a small subset of Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu in his Aikido, but those techniques have unlimited ways they can be used. Aikido is not a lesser art, just a different art.


To clarify some of what Daito Ryu is I offer an example;



In the Sutrisno family Shotokan, Aikido drills are introduced at Kyu level training, Each drill is a combination of an Aikido lock or projection against an attack, leading to a takedown and controlling lock or a projection. Various karate techniques can also be utilized in making those things happen. I understood the complete set was 20 techniques, but only 12 were studied at the kyu level. There are also many other later aikido studies.


I learned them and in turn utilized them for my students, the first 8 at kyu level, the remainder as dan studies.


Trying to understand the structure that the Sutrisno family Shotokan developed, I believe these drills were far more than introduction to Aikido techniques. Of course they are and they are fine drills in and of themserves, but I see them as much more.


In the Sutrisno family Shotokan, bunkai of kata is not a kyu study. Application potential is not withheld from students, rather it is not studied at that time. Instead more stress is focused on developing skill in technique, skill to be used when bunkai is later studied.


These Aikido drills are more to teach what a complete technique is. To take the opponent to the floor and incapacitate them or to use the aikido to project them to the ground. And the larger skills to be later used in application study is how to enter the space around an attack, and then use that space to conclude the attack.


Skill useful for later application study.


We use these drills in Aikido much the same way for our students.


Each a fine ending method on their own, they are also solid building blocks for later studies.




Over the years I have written much about Aikido in my blog. For those interested or to jog the memories in my lineage I offer these links below:

















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