Monday, May 16, 2022

The day a group from Fighting came to visit me at my fathers


Re: Coming To America [Re: Ed_Morris]
#15845182 - 04/16/06 10:28 AM


Wow! What a great day we had yesterday! First I had my last TKD lesson at Scott's school. I enjoyed it but was a bit sad to be saying goodbye after training there almost every day since I got here.

After lunch we drove to Matt and Tami's where we met Garrett (Ranger G). Ranger is a cool guy, it was great to meet him. We all drove to visit Victor Smith who was visiting with his father. The weather was great so we all sat outside and exchanged a brief summary of our MA history before Victor demonstrated a small portion of his knowledge. He demonstrated some bunkai to the Isshin Ryu Seisan and Chinto, showed us how he uses single knuckle strikes and how to improve our balance through proper alignment by making a few (seemingly) minor adjustments.

Victor also performed some Tai Chi for us and demonstrated how it can be used as self defence

After we left Victor, Matt, Tami, Garret, Scott and I went to a restaurant where I tasted a local delicacy called Blooming Onion and then had steak.

(Lto R Razorfoot, still wadowoman, MattJwife, MattJ, RangerG)


Not sure if I was fat enough yet, after we said goodbye to Garret, Matt and Tami took me to Dairy Queen. Oh my goodness - ice cream heaven!

Then it was back to their house where we talked for ages, watched old videos of Matt and Scott beating each other up and also we practiced some sticky hands. Matt and Scott are quite good at this but I think it's incredibly difficult.

I stuffed a few more of Tami's delicous cookies before we said goodbye (only to be polite, you understand )

I really was sorry to say goodbye to Matt and Tami, they are wonderful people and great hosts. I feel like I have known them for years.


The heart does not know space or time. Limited physical time together is really meaningless.

From the looks of the photo in the restauraunt...The bloomin' onion didn't stand a chance. Poor Also the photos answered a question that I've pondered since I was a kid... "What does Santa do for the other 364 days of the year?". Apparently he delivers nerve strikes and cavity presses to all the little boys who were on the naughty list. It seems being a nice guy has once again turned around to bite me on the a$$.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- was TWO Blooming Onions..and no, they did not stand a chance...

I can say with honesty, I walked away yesterday with more skills than some seminars I have paid good money for. Mr. Smith is the Grand Master of understatement... I was blown away by his skills and teaching methods. I intend to keep the little gems of information and technique I learned yesterday to myself.

Sharon was the vision of an Angel, albet an inked (swoon) and very dangerous Angel... It was a signal honor to meet this very skilled and personable lady. I cannot wait for her to jump the puddle again to work weapons disarms and learn some of her style. When she found out I owned a real Scottish Great Kilt and could speak with a Scottish Burr...ah..but that is a story for another day...

I had been waiting for over a year to meet Razorfoot, and whilst a friend of MattJ's (I overlooked that), he is one intimidating guy. Nice as heck...but those shoulders and arms send a clear warning... I think "WMD" would be a more appropriate screen name.

All in all, a great day and evening. I regret I could not stay for Dairy Queen as I had a two hour ride back home on the Harley.

Like all fightingarts get togethers, this has been both a social pleasure, and an educational experience.

 Ranger G

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Victor is a wealth of MA knowledge. He showed us some very subtle stuff that really made quite a difference in application. Proper body alignment is key. Amazing what a big difference some small adjustments can make.

Victor also showed us some painful nerve strikes, and a vicious Tai Chi body shot that almost put RazorFoot on the ground. He showed some interesting uses for chambers in Kata that were very reminiscent of what I know as "reverse motion" in AKK, which I have never seen used in any other art.

Victor is not a nice guy , however, and taunted us cruelly with a lack of explanation to his mysterious body alignment techniques. He dared us to "talk about won't be able to figure it out." Despite discussing it on the way to the restaurant and afterwards, he was right. CURSE YOU VICTORRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!




It was a real pleasure to meet you (and your wife), Razor, Wadowoman and Ranger G on Saturday. I'm sorry we didn't have more time, perhaps it will work out better on a future visit down to Red Lion.

Earlier in the day I had actually taught the Goju kata Saifa to Don Gladfelter's Shotokan East in York, Pa., and it made for a very busy Saturday.

You may feel free to curse me as much as you need to, <GRIN>, about the body alignment, unfortunately it's not a quick study, and long term development (as I practice it) really concides with kata practice and study.

I realize I was sort of shotgunning a few martial concepts and not presenting much in a coherent manner, but first meetings bridge the gap what we have in common. Most of my work is directly tied into the Isshinryu and Yang Tai Chi Chaun studies I practice, and to extract them for others training isn't something I've focused on a great deal.

But if I've given you something to think about, that's ok too (Been there and done that more than a few times myself).

And for anyone making cracks about me looking like Santy, well I might have a prize up my bag for you <GRIN>

Victor Smith

George Scott (Razorfoot)

Sharon Hawker-Badderley  (StillWadowoman)

Matt Janson (MattJ)

Garrett Derr Sr.  (Ranger G)



"What does Santa do for the other 364 days of the year?". Appearantly he delivers nerve strikes and cavity presses to all the little boys who were on the naughty list.

Yes.He.Does....and it appears I was on the naughty list too..a well earned member of the naughty list I might add..

The nerve strikes to the arm tickled a a bit...

"If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough."

Ranger G


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