Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Once upon a time I met WWF champion Bob Backlund


One time I was teaching a youth Isshinryu program at the Catholic Youth Center in Scranton. They had a huge gym and hosted many events there such as boxing, professional wrestling and many others.


One evening when I completed class and went to leave the halls were filled with people who wanted to watch the Professional Wrestling program of that night.


When I left the room, I ran into the current WWF wrestling champion,. Bob Backlund, who was walking through the halls.


I had only seen him on  television on the WWF shows. The people he wrestled then, like the Shiek, Hulk Hogan and the rest made him look small in comparison.


But in person he towered over me making me look small.


That gave me some perspective at what WWF was about, spectacle for the fans.



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