Saturday, August 13, 2022

On the challenge of a Karate Tournament


Tristan Sutrisno Gojushiho Kata

I have long held for a single style tournament where all the participants are from one style a more interesting senior students division would be one where the competitor presents themselves to the judges and a random selection of the kata to be performed is chosen. So nobody can choose in any way what they will perform. Then their senior skill would be involved to just do it. No time for preparation, no additional warm up or kata run through.
Just shear ability on the run to do one’s best.

That would be an interesting division to see.

For one thing just seeing who is ready to compete this way says a lot about the senior abilities IMO.

Seeing the seniors make any kata chosen their best allowing their skill to shine would also be impressive to see.

And then the judges would have to present written analysis of their decisions.

Then the ability to see the judges perform and judge any performance without showing favoritism to the kata which was selected, even more impressive.

To the skilled eye, the competitor and the judge are always on display together. You can learn a great deal observing the smallest details.

True skill would be on display. Much would be revealed if you could see such a division.

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