Saturday, August 27, 2022

The Bo I trained with


David Hansen

Doing resistance type training is not using a huge log for Bojutsu. That would be IMO a mistake. 

The idea on how l do this is use something somewhat heavier but still able to complete proper technique. Proper technique while using resistance will increase tendon, legament and fast twitch muscle fiber. 

Must be smart as developing speed and explosiveness takes time. I use a 1# wrist wrap for Karate techniques while using heavier Kobudo. The lower back and tanden can't be overlooked while training with added resistance. To heavy and inertia can lead to injury. Train Smart and your daily development will increase over time. 

To overzealous and you most likely will suffer some type of strain or tear. Small incremental increase is being smart. Your not only training the body but the mind as well


Victor Donald Smith

My first bo came from Asian world down in Phila. back when they were in N. Phila. 

Charles Murray told me to get one and I had to go to Phila for a business trip. 

It was not perfect for some branch had been turned into a go and the end was slightly bent. It was incredibly dense wood (about 3 times heavier than most bo). 

I trained with it the next 30 + years.

 I later received 2 hand made bo's from my father's friend, 1/3 the weight. 

Then for my competition years I would train with the heavy but the week before competition trained down to the lighter bo. 

It would take a week to condition myself to keep the lighter bo from flying out of my hands. 

So moving between the extremely heavy to the lighter bo served me well.

As my adult program grew all my students spent time with that bo. 

When my disabilities made further bo practice impossible I left that bo with my senior students so they can continue to best use it.

Mike Toomey, Me and Roy Blackwell who is holding my bo.


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