Monday, September 5, 2022

Shimabuku and Miyagi


Though some have stated that Shimabuku and Miyagi Senseis lived too far away from one another to have studied together, the Shimabuku home in present day Kinaka (Green X) and the home of Miyagi Sensei’s daughter in Taba (Red X) were only ~1.5 miles apart. Miyagi Sensei visited his daughter after the close of WWII when he lived in a camp located in Koza, which was also ~1.5 miles away.

Toyama Zenshu Sensei saw Miyagi and Shimabuku together in Taba, and Shimabuku Uto, Tatsuo Sensei’s wife, stated that the two men practiced karate together on occasion at the Shimabuku home.

So while it is true that Shimabuku Sensei did not have years of tutelage under Miyagi Sensei, he was an advanced practitioner with more than 20 years of practice at that time, and the many months he did have under Miyagi’s watchful eye altered the course of his personal karate and helped lead to the eventual formation of Isshinryu.

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