Sunday, March 12, 2023

Every System Can Defeat Any Other System



Kung Fu vs. Karate

Goju Ryu vs. Shotokan

Isshinryu vs. Goju Ryu

Tjimande vs. Karate

Tai Chi Chaun vs. Aikido

To name a few.


 This morning while taking my daily walk I began to realize ways Tai Chi Chaun technique could trounce Isshinry technique. Then I began to think how all of the many systems I experienced could do the same thing to other systems, including how any system in turn could trounce others is the same system. Of course this was a lot to think about on my walk.


The first thing to realize is that if the opponent has no idea how you will respond that opens many possibilities.


Every system is always open to anything not expected.


Your response might be driven with great power and focus. It might have been very subtle using the least amount of force possible striking into the right area to destabilize them.


When they attack you might just sway back out of their target, or simply take a half step back where they are not aiming for, but with proper hip rotation and correct knee release they are still within your own striking range.


You might just shift your stance by with the balls of your feet and enable you to strike to the point 6” point where their arm must move through as they strike towards you. Or  you might strike the joint of their shoulder from the from neutralizing their strike, or you might strike/kick into their hip joint from that angle.


You might subtly step behind them with a ghost technique to strike into them from behind. Or you could use a ghost technique to step well away from them.


Should you realize their alignment is flawed with their attack, similar to something Choki Motobu once remarked, you might juist receiver their lessor attack to use the opening they have given  to you to attack them.


Ot  when they attack you might reach out and touch their chest first, making it unlikely their attack will touch you and counter attack at that point.


There are no limits on the possibilities for I have just mentioned a few ideas.


The reality it is not the system that is superior rather the way you respond to it.



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