Saturday, July 6, 2024

Another version of Kote Kitae

While this drill is different from the Kotekitae Drill I learned under Lewis Sensei, it still is the closest one I have ever seen.

Sensei Spongia in Ude Tanren/Kote Kitae Tai Atari

This is when Young Lee and Charles Murray walked through the drill.

The two-person drill

In practice you would start with soft strikes then as you repeated the drill the strikes would grow harder and harder, till you would be striking as hard as you could. Then you would keep repeating the drill with successively softer strikes as you moved to the end of the drill session.

You were building up to receive the opponents strikes as hard as possible. Then you reversed the power of your strikes to wind down.

You are training to learn how to tighten your muscles to receive a strike.

Isshinryu Kotekitae

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