Dedicated to Sherman Harrill who showed me ‘the stars’ and to John Kerker who keeps the dream alive!
One bunkai from Seienchin Kata in the “Goshin Karate Kempo – Defense and Attack” by Mabuni Kenwa
Translated into French by Tokitsu Kenji (Feb 1989)
Translated into English by Victor Smith (June 2000)

3. When the two hands touch themselves, strongly close the fists, and then lower them slowly
following the trajectory of the parry ‘harai-uke’. (diagram 3)
4. Open the right hand, turn it in order that the palm is towards the top, and then advance it.
Next, immediately return it, back, from the top. Place the left hand on the left hip, with the palm up. Slowly bring back the right hand as far as the hip while at the same time effect a ‘tsuki’ (strike) with the fingers of the left hand while the palm stops turned toward the top (diagram 4 and 5).

1 When the opponent attacks you with a punch to the solar plexus, you back up the left foot a step
and parry his downward parry with your right fist. This is shown in diagram 1.
2. If the opponent attacks you again to the solar plexus with their right fist, with the arm that as
done the downward parry, you parry in kake-te to the joint of their arm, while bringing the parrying
arm up from the bottom. The position is illustrated by diagram 2.
3. You can then attack with the left fist to the chest of the opponent, as in diagram 3.
There you have it Mauni Kenwa’s first ‘bunkai’ from Seienchin (Seyunchin, Sieunchin and all other spellings).
As an Isshinryu stylist it is difficult to separate my study from the other (ShitoRyu and GojuRyu) versions but I believe the application potential analysis I’m offering will move between the different versions with little problem.
The largest difference is the Isshinryu version of this movement is done to the side while in horse stance where the Goju/Shito Ryu version is done to the front while in a horse stance on 45 degrees. Selfish of me but I’ll use the Isshinryu standard for my starting point, but that will make for little difference in the application potential.
Ground Rules -
I am only going to work with the 2nd and 3rd techniques (the overturning hand parry and the counter strike) for the main part. In many cases they will offer a complete answer, but in all cases by literally performing the next step of the kata there is the potential for a reap, sweep or takedown. In most cases I’m not going to add that conclusion and leave it up to you if your practice requires it for conclusion.
Following Mabuni Kenwa’s answer technique change is permitted and expected where appropriate. Likewise additional techniques may be incorporated where logical.
For the initial technique in application I am going to keep to the stance from the kata.
Likewise the kata utilizes a palm up spear hand, where Mabuni Kenwa shows a fist up strike (variation of an uppercut). To simplify things that spear hand may represent 1)the spear-hand or 2) a leopard paw knuckle strike or 3) an inverted strike (akin to the uppercut) or 4) a strike or 5) the spear-hand collapsing to a leopard paw strike or 6) the spear-hand collapsing to an inverted strike or 7)the spea-rhand collapsing to a punch (items 5,6 and 7 examples of double multiple strikes or 8) the spear-hand collapsing to a leopard paw strike collapsing to a punch (a triple multiple strike). Each of them represents a different application potential and multiples one application into many applications themselves.
The goal in training is to work towards a very vigorous initial strike requiring a serous defensive opening to control the situation and not allow the attacker to launch a successful 2nd strike. This requires the defender to have skill in the execution of their technique.
The last paragraph is an example of an underlying principle behind striking. It is accompanied with the principle that the location to strike is any area within the natural range of motion for that strike. I will be using various examples of this during my analysis.
I will break down my analysis by type of attack and then exterior and interior line of defense or counter – offense for each application potential for this Seienchin technique series. I will not share every potential application I understand but on the first few show a greater range of possibilities, that same range can be applied to the other attacks too with additional work. In addition to those applications I share I will offer a matrix of attacks for further study.
Note: many of these technique exercises require control and lower level of execution not to hurt your partner. Practice safely, and in time the skill can be increased as both understand the potential for practice.
01 Attacker Right Foot steps Forward Right Lead Punch
0101 Exterior Line of Defense
010101 As the attacker moves step forward with your right foot in your horse stance and perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow, on their triceps, then turn that hand over and use a pressure flow to move their arm to your right. Follow with 1) a left uppercut to their right lower abdomen or 2) with a left spear hand to their arm pit.
010102 As the attacker moves step forward with your right foot in your horse stance and perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow, on their triceps, using that block to parry their arm towards your right and follow with 1) a right strike to their face or 2) a right palm strike to their face then conclude with a 3) left uppercut to their right lower rib cage or 4) a left spear hand to their arm pit.
010103 As the attacker moves pivot on your right foot and step with your left foot to form your horse stance at a right angle to their strike and at the same time perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow on their triceps. Then turn that hand over and slide it down their arm to grasp at their wrist. When done pull them slightly forward in the direction of their punch and execute the left open hand spear hand strike (palm up) across their triceps tendon. This motion with the accompanying forward pull causes their upper body to move forward and then down as they’ve extended beyond their center of gravity. A question of timing they punch and then put their face into the ground.
** note the use of the 90 degree turn is arbitrary, it may be greater as an additional force multiplier working with the spear hand crossing the triceps tendon to force their head down.
*** a further force multiplier is as their body descends your left leg can then cross stomp into the back of their upper calf top pin their leg into the ground.
010104 As the attacker moves step forward with your right foot in your horse stance and perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow, on their triceps, then turn that hand over and perform a following spear hand thrust into the attacker’s armpit. Then close your right hand grabbing underneath their armpit and pull down (following the flow of the kata). As you do so execute a right uppercut into the side of their rib cage (anywhere on the Thoracic Long Line of Bell). See what happens from having a surgeon participate in the program for 15 years, gives all of you something to look up.
010105 As the attacker moves step forward with your right foot in your horse stance and perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow, on their triceps, using that block to parry their arm towards your right and follow with a right palm strike to their face. As you do so then pivot on your right foot and step with your left foot about 135 degrees ( so you’re now facing 1:30) and as you do so your right open hand flows across their face turning it counter-clockwise till you can then pull down with the pressure of your palm (you’re now using their face/neck as you did their arm). As you begin pulling them down your left open spear hand (palm up) strikes across the back of their neck, a force multiplier increasing their neck turn, and provides a point to crease their neck now bending it back, to bend them backwards in a takedown.
0102 Interior Line of Defense
010201 As the attacker moves step forward inside their attack with your right foot in your horse stance and perform the right hand parry as a rising spear hand into the attacker’s throat.
010202 As the attacker moves step forward inside their attack with your right foot in your horse stance and perform the right hand ridge-hand parry into the side of the attacker’s throat. The right hand then turns over and rolls the attacker’s head clockwise with the kata motion. As this is done the left hand disrupts the attacker’s balance and turns the complete motion into a rotary throw takedown. Among the options for the left hand are 1) a left spear hand strike into their throat or 2) a left spear hand into their arm pit or 3) a left uppercut into their lower ribs or 4) a left spear hand strike into their groin. With the initial strike to the throat and the rolling head, any of those strikes will break the attacker’s balance making the throw a natural progression.
02 Attacker Left Foot steps Forward Left Lead Punch
0201 Exterior Line of Defense
020101 As the attacker moves forward step forward outside their attack using the back of your right hand of the rising ridge hand block to parry their strike to your left. Then turn your right hand over and grab their shoulder to pull back and down as in the kata. As this is done strike into their lower ribs with your left uppercut. (Optional your left foot can sweep out using a crescent step to cut their left leg out from under them as a force multiplier to the natural throw that ensues.
020102 As the attacker moves forward step forward outside their attack using the back of your right hand of the rising ridge hand block to parry their strike to your left. Then execute a right strike into their face. This causes them to rotate away from the strike in a clockwise manner, the left hand then can strike into the middle of their thigh for a quick takedown as their leg gives way.
0202 Interior Line of Defense
020201 As the attacker moves forward step forward inside their attack and perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow, on their triceps, then turn that hand over and use a pressure flow to move their arm to your right. Follow with a left spear hand strike to their 1) throat or 2) groin. Alternately use a triple strike described above to their solar plexus. Then conclude with a right reap of their lead leg causing them to fall forward after the strike breaks their centering.
020202 As the attacker moves forward step forward inside their attack and perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow, on their triceps, then your right hand strikes their face. Follow with a left spear hand strike to their 1) throat or 2) groin. Alternately use a triple strike described above to their solar plexus. Then conclude with a right reap of their lead leg causing them to fall forward after the strike breaks their centering.
03 Attacker Right Foot steps forward Left Reverse Punch
0301 Exterior Line of Defense
030101 As the attacker moves step forward with your right foot in your horse stance and perform a right outer ridge-hand block behind the attacker’s elbow, on their triceps, then turn that hand over and use a pressure flow to move their arm to your right. Follow with 1) a left uppercut to their right lower abdomen or 2) with a left spear hand to their arm pit
0302 Interior Line of Defense
030201 As the attacker moves reach your left hand forward and raising it and then using the spear hand to chamber as a sliding block for their reverse punch Step forward with your left foot in horse stance and perform the right hand parry as a rising spear hand into the attacker’s throat.
04 Attacker Left Foot steps forward Right Reverse Punch
0401 Exterior Line of Defense
0402 Interior Line of Defense
05 Attacker Right foot slides forward Right jab followed by a left cross strike
0501 Exterior Line of Defense
0502 Interior Line of Defense
06 Attacker Left Foot slides forward Left jab followed by a right cross strike
0601 Exterior Line of Defense
0602 Interior Line of Defense
07 Attacker Right foot slides forward right uppercut followed by a left cross strike
0701 Exterior Line of Defense
0702 Interior Line of Defense
08 Attacker Left foot slides forward left uppercut followed by a right cross strike
0801 Exterior Line of Defense
0802 Interior Line of Defense
09 Attacker Right Kick - hands in left boxer guard position
0901 Exterior Line of Defense
0902 Interior Line of Defense
10 Attacker Left Kick - hands in right boxer guard position
1001 Exterior Line of Defense
1002 Interior Line of Defense
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