Thursday, March 20, 2014

Multiple Strilking Redoux

Multiple striking in an important concept in Bushi No Te Isshinryu. 

There will come a time when you are no longer young, or you are weaker (or perhaps weaker) than your attacker.   One way to compensate is to use multiple striking. 

I first learned this drill from Tristan Sutrisno back in 1980. It is worth a lot of practice, I even used to drive practicing this. 

After about 20 years practice on his drill, I developed two different Isshinryu based ones. I later added an open hand version of the dril.

The point to this drill isn’t that you fight this way, but that any technique can transform into a second technique. Allowing you to be unpredictable to your opponent. A skilled response. Even for the youth and beginners there is a three move version.

Where I have commented on this before, here are those posts.

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